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  • شاه هم بشنید و گفت ای خاینان ** من بر آویزم شما را بی امان 920
  • The King too heard (how the astrologers excused themselves) and said, “O traitors, I will hang you up without quarter.
  • خویش را در مضحکه انداختم ** مالها با دشمنان در باختم
  • I exposed myself to derision, I squandered riches on my enemies,
  • تا که امشب جمله اسرائیلیان ** دور ماندند از ملاقات زنان
  • To the end that to-night all the Israelites might remain far away from meeting with their wives.
  • مال رفت و آب رو و کار خام ** این بود یاری و افعال کرام
  • Wealth and honour are gone, and all is done in vain: is this (true) friendship and (are these) the deeds of the noble?
  • سالها ادرار و خلعت می‌برید ** مملکتها را مسلم می‌خورید
  • For years ye have been taking stipends and robes of honour and devouring kingdoms as ye pleased.
  • رایتان این بود و فرهنگ و نجوم ** طبل‌خوارانید و مکارید و شوم 925
  • Was this (the only result of) your judgement and wisdom and astrology? Ye are lickspittles and deceivers and ill-omened.
  • من شما را بر درم و آتش زنم ** بینی و گوش و لبانتان بر کنم
  • I will rend you to pieces and set you ablaze, I will tear off your noses and ears and lips.
  • من شما را هیزم آتش کنم ** عیش رفته بر شما ناخوش کنم
  • I will make you fuel for the fire, I will make your past pleasure unsweet to you.”
  • سجده کردند و بگفتند ای خدیو ** گر یکی کرت ز ما چربید دیو
  • They prostrated themselves and said, “O Khedive, if (this) one time the Devil has prevailed against us,
  • سالها دفع بلاها کرده‌ایم ** وهم حیران زانچ ماها کرده‌ایم
  • (Yet) for years we have warded off afflictions: the imagination is dumbfounded by that which we have done.
  • فوت شد از ما و حملش شد پدید ** نطفه‌اش جست و رحم اندر خزید 930
  • (Now) it (the prevention of this calamity) has eluded us, and his conception has occurred: semen ejus exsiliit et in uterum irrepsit; [(Now) it (the prevention of this calamity) has eluded us, and his conception has occurred: his semen spurted forth and crept into the womb;]
  • لیک استغفار این روز ولاد ** ما نگه داریم ای شاه و قباد
  • But (we crave) pardon for this, (and) we shall watch the day of birth, O King and Sovereign.
  • روز میلادش رصد بندیم ما ** تا نگردد فوت و نجهد این قضا
  • We shall observe (by the stars) the day of his nativity, that this event may not escape and evade us.
  • گر نداریم این نگه ما را بکش ** ای غلام رای تو افکار و هش
  • If we do not keep watch for this, kill us, O thou to whose judgement (our) thoughts and intelligence are slaves.”
  • تا بنه مه می‌شمرد او روز روز ** تا نپرد تیر حکم خصم‌دوز
  • For nine months he was counting day after day, lest the arrow of the Decree that transfixes its enemy should fly (from the bow).
  • بر قضا هر کو شبیخون آورد ** سرنگون آید ز خون خود خورد 935
  • When (the world of) space makes an assault upon (the world of) non-spatiality, it falls headlong and drinks its own blood.
  • چون زمین با آسمان خصمی کند ** شوره گردد سر ز مرگی بر زند
  • When the earth shows enmity to the sky, it becomes salty (barren) and presents a spectacle of death.
  • نقش با نقاش پنجه می‌زند ** سبلتان و ریش خود بر می‌کند
  • (When) the picture (creature) struggles hand to hand with the Painter (Creator), it (only) tears out its own moustaches and beard.
  • خواندن فرعون زنان نوزاده را سوی میدان هم جهت مکر
  • How Pharaoh summoned the women who had new-born children to the maydán, (doing this) also for the sake of his plot (against Moses).
  • بعد نه مه شه برون آورد تخت ** سوی میدان و منادی کرد سخت
  • After nine months the King brought out his throne to the maydán and made a strict proclamation.
  • کای زنان با طفلکان میدان روید ** جمله اسرائیلیان بیرون شوید
  • “O women, go with your babes to the maydán; go forth, all ye of Israel.
  • آنچنانک پار مردان را رسید ** خلعت و هر کس ازیشان زر کشید 940
  • Just as last year robes of honour were bestowed on the men, and every one of them bore away gold,
  • هین زنان امسال اقبال شماست ** تا بیابد هر یکی چیزی که خواست
  • Hark, O women, this year it is your fortune, so that each one (of you) may obtain the thing she desires.
  • مر زنان را خلعت و صلت دهد ** کودکان را هم کلاه زر نهد
  • He will give the women robes of honour and donations; on the children too he will put mitres of gold.
  • هر که او این ماه زاییدست هین ** گنجها گیرید از شاه مکین
  • Take heed! Every one of you that has borne a child during this month shall receive treasures from the mighty King.”
  • آن زنان با طفلکان بیرون شدند ** شادمان تا خیمه‌ی شه آمدند
  • The women went forth with their babes: they came joyfully to the King's tent.