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  • پس بزرگان این نگفتند از گزاف ** جسم پاکان عین جان افتاد صاف‌‌ 2000
  • Not idly, therefore, the great (mystics) said this: “The body of the holy ones (the saints) is essentially pure as (their) spirit.”
  • گفتشان و نفسشان و نقششان ** جمله جان مطلق آمد بی‌‌نشان‌‌
  • Their speech and soul and form, all (this) is absolute spirit without (external) trace.
  • جان دشمن دارشان جسم است صرف ** چون زیاد از نرد او اسم است صرف‌‌
  • The spirit that regards them with enmity is a mere body; like the plus in (the game called) nard, it is a mere name.
  • آن به خاک اندر شد و کل خاک شد ** وین نمک اندر شد و کل پاک شد
  • That one (the body of the enemy of the saints) went into the earth (grave) and became earth entirely; this (holy body) went into the salt and became entirely pure—
  • آن نمک کز وی محمد املح است ** ز آن حدیث با نمک او افصح است‌‌
  • The (spiritual) salt through which Mohammed is more refined (than all others): he is more eloquent than that salt-seasoned (elegantly expressed) Hadíth.
  • این نمک باقی است از میراث او ** با تواند آن وارثان او بجو 2005
  • This salt is surviving in his heritage: those heirs of his are with thee. Seek them!
  • پیش تو شسته ترا خود پیش کو ** پیش هستت جان پیش اندیش کو
  • He (the spiritual heir of Mohammed) is seated in front of thee, (but) where indeed is thy “front”? He is before thee, (but) where is the soul that thinks “before”?
  • گر تو خود را پیش و پس داری گمان ** بسته‌‌ی جسمی و محرومی ز جان‌‌
  • If thou fancy thou hast a “before” and “behind,” thou art tied to body and deprived of spirit.
  • زیر و بالا پیش و پس وصف تن است ** بی‌‌جهت آن ذات جان روشن است‌‌
  • “Below” and “above,” “before” and “behind” are attributes of the body: the essence of the bright spirit is without relations (not limited by relations of place).
  • بر گشا از نور پاک شه نظر ** تا نپنداری تو چون کوته نظر
  • Open thy (inward) vision with the pure light of the King. Beware of fancying, like one who is short-sighted,
  • که همینی در غم و شادی و بس ** ای عدم کو مر عدم را پیش و پس‌‌ 2010
  • That thou art only this very (body living) in grief and joy. O (thou who art really) non-existence, where (are) “before” and “behind” (appertaining) to non-existence?
  • روز باران است می‌‌رو تا به شب ** نی از این باران از آن باران رب‌‌
  • ’Tis a day of rain: journey on till night—not (sped) by this (earthly) rain but by the rain of the Lord.
  • قصه‌‌ی سؤال کردن عایشه از مصطفی علیه السلام که امروز باران بارید چون تو سوی گورستان رفتی جامه‌‌های تو چون تر نیست‌‌
  • The story of ‘Á’isha, may God be well-pleased with her, how she asked Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, saying, “It rained to-day: since thou wentest to the graveyard, how is it that thy clothes are not wet?”
  • مصطفی روزی به گورستان برفت ** با جنازه‌‌ی مردی از یاران برفت‌‌
  • One day Mustafá went to the graveyard: he went with the bier of a man (who was one) of his friends.
  • خاک را در گور او آگنده کرد ** زیر خاک آن دانه‌‌اش را زنده کرد
  • He made the earth so that it filled his grave: he quickened his seed under the earth.
  • این درختانند همچون خاکیان ** دستها بر کرده‌‌اند از خاکدان‌‌
  • These trees are like the interred ones: they have lifted up their hands from the earth.
  • سوی خلقان صد اشارت می‌‌کنند ** و آن که گوش استش عبارت می‌‌کنند 2015
  • They are making a hundred signs to the people and speaking plainly to him that hath ears (to hear).
  • با زبان سبز و با دست دراز ** از ضمیر خاک می‌‌گویند راز
  • With green tongue and with long hand (fingers) they are telling secrets from the earth's conscience (inmost heart).
  • همچو بطان سر فرو برده به آب ** گشته طاوسان و بوده چون غراب‌‌
  • (Sunk in earth) like ducks that have plunged their heads in water, they have become (gay as) peacocks, though (in winter) they were (dark and bare) as crows.
  • در زمستانشان اگر محبوس کرد ** آن غرابان را خدا طاوس کرد
  • If during the winter He imprisoned them (in ice and snow), God made those “crows” “peacocks” (in spring).
  • در زمستانشان اگر چه داد مرگ ** زنده‌‌شان کرد از بهار و داد برگ‌‌
  • Although He put them to death in winter, He revived them by means of spring and gave (them) leaves.
  • منکران گویند خود هست این قدیم ** این چرا بندیم بر رب کریم‌‌ 2020
  • The sceptics say, “This (creation), surely, is eternal: why should we fix it on a beneficent Lord?”
  • کوری ایشان درون دوستان ** حق برویانید باغ و بوستان‌‌
  • God, in despite of them, caused (spiritual) gardens and plots of sweet flowers to grow in the hearts of His friends.
  • هر گلی کاندر درون بویا بود ** آن گل از اسرار کل گویا بود
  • Every rose that is sweet-scented within, that rose is telling of the secrets of the rose.
  • بوی ایشان رغم انف منکران ** گرد عالم می‌‌رود پرده دران‌‌
  • Their scent, to the confusion of the sceptics, is going round the world, rending the veil (of doubt and disbelief).
  • منکران همچون جعل ز آن بوی گل ** یا چو نازک مغز در بانگ دهل‌‌
  • The sceptics, (shrinking) from the scent of the rose like a beetle, or like a delicate (sensitive) brain at the noise of the drum,