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  • Loverhood and repentance or (even) the possibility of patience—this, O (dear) soul, is a very enormous absurdity.
  • عاشقی و توبه یا امکان صبر  ** این محالی باشد ای جان بس سطبر 
  • Repentance is a worm, while Love is like a dragon: repentance is an attribute of Man, while that (other) is an attribute of God. 970
  • توبه کردم و عشق هم‌چون اژدها  ** توبه وصف خلق و آن وصف خدا 
  • Love is (one) of the attributes of God who wants nothing: love for aught besides Him is unreal,
  • عشق ز اوصاف خدای بی‌نیاز  ** عاشقی بر غیر او باشد مجاز 
  • Because that (which is besides Him) is (but) a gilded beauty: its outside is (shining) light, (but) ’tis (like dark) smoke within.
  • زانک آن حسن زراندود آمدست  ** ظاهرش نور اندرون دود آمدست 
  • When the light goes and the smoke becomes visible, at that moment the unreal love is frozen up.
  • چون رود نور و شود پیدا دخان  ** بفسرد عشق مجازی آن زمان 
  • That beauty returns to its source; the body is left—foul-smelling, shameful, and ugly.
  • وا رود آن حسن سوی اصل خود  ** جسم ماند گنده و رسوا و بد 
  • The moonlight is returning to the moon: its reflexion goes off the black (dark) wall; 975
  • نور مه راجع شود هم سوی ماه  ** وا رود عکسش ز دیوار سیاه 
  • And then, (when) the water and clay (of the wall) are left without that ornament, the wall, (being) moonless, becomes (hideous) as a devil.
  • پس بماند آب و گل بی آن نگار  ** گردد آن دیوار بی مه دیووار 
  • When the gold flies from the surface of the base coin, that gold returns to its (original) mine and settles (there);
  • قلب را که زر ز روی او بجست  ** بازگشت آن زر بکان خود نشست 
  • Then the shamefully exposed copper is left (looking black) like smoke, and its lover is left looking blacker than it.
  • پس مس رسوا بماند دود وش  ** زو سیه‌روتر بماند عاشقش 
  • (But) the love of them that have (spiritual) insight is (fixed) on the gold-mine; necessarily it is (grows) greater every day,
  • عشق بینایان بود بر کان زر  ** لاجرم هر روز باشد بیشتر 
  • Because the mine hath no partner in aureity. Hail, O Gold-mine (of Reality), Thou concerning whom there is no doubt! 980
  • زانک کان را در زری نبود شریک  ** مرحبا ای کان زر لاشک فیک 
  • If any one let a base coin become a sharer with the Mine (in his affection), the gold goes back to the Mine (which is) beyond locality,
  • هر که قلبی را کند انباز کان  ** وا رود زر تا بکان لامکان 
  • (And then) the lover and his beloved are dead (left to die) in agony: the fish is left (writhing), the water is gone from the whirlpool.
  • عاشق و معشوق مرده ز اضطراب  ** مانده ماهی رفته زان گرداب آب 
  • The Divine Love is the Sun of perfection: the (Divine) Word is its light, the creatures are as shadows.
  • عشق ربانیست خورشید کمال  ** امر نور اوست خلقان چون ظلال 
  • When Mustafá (Mohammed) expanded with joy on (hearing) this story, his (the Siddíq's) desire to speak (of Bilál) increased also.
  • مصطفی زین قصه چون خوش برشکفت  ** رغبت افزون گشت او را هم بگفت 
  • Since he found a hearer like Mustafá, every hair of him became a separate tongue. 985
  • مستمع چون یافت هم‌چون مصطفی  ** هر سر مویش زبانی شد جدا 
  • Mustafá said to him, “Now what is the remedy?” He (the Siddíq) replied, “This servant (of God) is going to buy him.
  • مصطفی گفتش که اکنون چاره چیست  ** گفت این بنده مر او را مشتریست 
  • I will buy him at whatever price he (the Jew) may name: I will not regard the apparent loss (of money) and the extortion;
  • هر بها که گوید او را می‌خرم  ** در زیان و حیف ظاهر ننگرم 
  • For he is God's captive on the earth, and he has become subjected to the anger of God's enemy.”
  • کو اسیر الله فی الارض آمدست  ** سخره‌ی خشم عدو الله شدست 
  • How Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, enjoined the Siddíq, may God be pleased with him, saying, “Since thou art going to purchase Bilál, they (the Jews) will certainly raise his price by wrangling (with thee): make me thy partner in this merit, be my agent, and receive from me half the purchase-money.”
  • وصیت کردن مصطفی علیه‌السلام صدیق را رضی الله عنه کی چون بلال را مشتری می‌شوی هر آینه ایشان از ستیز بر خواهند در بها فزود و بهای او را خواهند فزودن مرا درین فضیلت شریک خود کن وکیل من باش و نیم بها از من بستان 
  • Mustafá said to him, “O seeker of (spiritual) fortune, I will be thy partner in this (enterprise).
  • مصطفی گفتش کای اقبال‌جو  ** اندرین من می‌شوم انباز تو 
  • Be my agent, buy a half share (in him) on my account, and receive the payment from me.” 990
  • تو وکیلم باش نیمی بهر من  ** مشتری شو قبض کن از من ثمن 
  • He replied, “I will do my utmost to serve thee.” Then he went to the house of the merciless Jew.
  • گفت صد خدمت کنم رفت آن زمان  ** سوی خانه‌ی آن جهود بی‌امان 
  • He said to himself, “From the hands of children one can buy pearls very cheaply, O father.”
  • گفت با خود کز کف طفلان گهر  ** پس توان آسان خریدن ای پدر 
  • From these foolish children the ghoul-like Devil is buying their reason and faith in exchange for the kingdom of this world.
  • عقل و ایمان را ازین طفلان گول  ** می‌خرد با ملک دنیا دیو غول