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  • هر که محراب نمازش گشت عین ** سوی ایمان رفتنش می‌‌دان تو شین‌‌ 1765
  • Any one whose prayer-niche is turned to the (mystical) revelation, do thou regard his going (back) to (the traditional) faith as shameful.
  • هر که شد مر شاه را او جامه‌‌دار ** هست خسران بهر شاهش اتجار
  • Any one who has become Master of the robes to the King, it is loss for him to traffic on the King's behalf.
  • هر که با سلطان شود او همنشین ** بر درش بودن بود حیف و غبین‌‌
  • Any one who becomes the intimate friend of the Sultan, it is an injury and swindle (for him) to sit at his door.
  • دست‌‌بوسش چون رسید از پادشاه ** گر گزیند بوس پا باشد گناه‌‌
  • When (the privilege of) kissing the (King's) hand has been bestowed on him by the King, it is a sin if he prefers to kiss the (King's) foot.
  • گر چه سر بر پا نهادن خدمت است ** پیش آن خدمت خطا و زلت است‌‌
  • Although to lay the head on the (King's) foot is an act of obeisance, (yet) compared with the former act of obeisance it is a fault and backsliding.
  • شاه را غیرت بود بر هر که او ** بو گزیند بعد از آن که دید رو 1770
  • The King is jealous of any one who, after having seen the face, prefers the (mere) scent.
  • غیرت حق بر مثل گندم بود ** کاه خرمن غیرت مردم بود
  • To speak in parables, God's jealousy is the wheat, (while) men's jealousy is the straw in the stack.
  • اصل غیرتها بدانید از اله ** آن خلقان فرع حق بی‌‌اشتباه‌‌
  • Know that the root of (all) jealousies is in God: those of mankind are an offshoot from God, without resemblance (being implied).
  • شرح این بگذارم و گیرم گله ** از جفای آن نگار ده دله‌‌
  • I will leave the explanation of this and will begin to complain of the cruelty of that fickle Beauty.
  • نالم ایرا ناله‌‌ها خوش آیدش ** از دو عالم ناله و غم بایدش‌‌
  • I wail because wailings are pleasant to Him: He wants from the two worlds wailing and grief.