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  • همچو امرد که خدا نامش کنند ** تا بدین سالوس در دامش کنند
  • (You will be) like the beardless youth whom they address as “Lord” that by this hypocrisy they may make entrap him.
  • چون که در بد نامی آمد ریش او ** دیو را ننگ آید از تفتیش او
  • As soon as he has grown a beard in infamy, the Devil is ashamed to search after him.
  • دیو سوی آدمی شد بهر شر ** سوی تو ناید که از دیوی بتر
  • The Devil approaches Man for the sake of wickedness: he does not approach you because you are worse than the Devil.
  • تا تو بودی آدمی دیو از پی‌‌ات ** می‌‌دوید و می‌‌چشانید او می‌‌ات‌‌ 1875
  • So long as you were a man the Devil was running at your heels and bidding you taste (his) wine.
  • چون شدی در خوی دیوی استوار ** می‌‌گریزد از تو دیو نابکار
  • Since you have become confirmed in devilry, the good-for-nothing Devil is fleeing from you!
  • آن که اندر دامنت آویخت او ** چون چنین گشتی ز تو بگریخت او
  • He who (formerly) clung to your skirt fled from you when you became like this.
  • تفسیر ما شاء الله کان‌‌
  • Explanation of (the Tradition) “Whatsoever God wills cometh to pass.”
  • این همه گفتیم لیک اندر بسیچ ** بی‌‌عنایات خدا هیچیم هیچ‌‌
  • We have spoken all these words, but in preparing ourselves (for the journey before us) we are naught, naught without the favours of God.
  • بی‌‌عنایات حق و خاصان حق ** گر ملک باشد سیاه استش ورق‌‌
  • Without the favours of God and God's elect ones, angel though he be, his page is black.
  • ای خدا ای فضل تو حاجت روا ** با تو یاد هیچ کس نبود روا 1880
  • O God, O Thou whose bounty fulfils (every) need, it is not allowable to mention any one beside Thee.
  • این قدر ارشاد تو بخشیده‌‌ای ** تا بدین بس عیب ما پوشیده‌‌ای‌‌
  • This amount of guidance Thou hast bestowed (upon us); till this (present time) Thou hast covered up many a fault of ours.