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  • آن مرایی در صیام و در صلاست ** تا گمان آید که او مست ولاست‌‌
  • That hypocrite is (assiduous) in fasting and praying, in order that it may be supposed that he is drunken with devotion (to God).
  • حاصل افعال برونی دیگر است ** تا نشان باشد بر آن چه مضمر است‌‌
  • In short, external acts are different (from internal feelings), (and their purpose is) to indicate that which is hidden.
  • یا رب آن تمییز ده ما را به خواست ** تا شناسیم آن نشان کژ ز راست‌‌
  • O Lord, grant us according to our desire such discernment that we may know the false indication from the true.
  • حس را تمییز دانی چون شود ** آن که حس ینظر بنور الله بود
  • Do you know how the sense-perception becomes discerning? In this way, that the sense-perception should be seeing by the light of God.
  • ور اثر نبود سبب هم مظهر است ** همچو خویشی کز محبت مخبر است‌‌ 2635
  • And if there be no effect (outward sign), the cause too makes manifest (that which is hidden), as (for example) kinship gives information concerning love (enables you to infer the presence of love).
  • نبود آن که نور حقش شد امام ** مر اثر را یا سببها را غلام‌‌
  • He to whom the light of God has become a guide is not a slave to effects or causes—
  • یا محبت در درون شعله زند ** زفت گردد وز اثر فارغ کند
  • Or (if he is a slave to them) Love will throw a spark within, wax mighty, and make (the illumined one) independent of effect.
  • حاجتش نبود پی اعلام مهر ** چون محبت نور خود زد بر سپهر
  • He has no need to make his love known, since Love has shot its radiance over the sky (of his heart).
  • هست تفصیلات تا گردد تمام ** این سخن لیکن بجو تو و السلام‌‌
  • There are detailed explanations (which I could give) in order to complete this subject; but seek them (for yourself), and (now) farewell.
  • گر چه شد معنی در این صورت پدید ** صورت از معنی قریب است و بعید 2640
  • Although the inner meaning is visible in this outward form, the form is (both) near to the meaning and far (from it).