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  • پیش استاد فقیه آن فقه خوان ** فقه خواند نی اصول اندر بیان‌‌
  • With the master-jurist the student of jurisprudence reads jurisprudence, when he (the teacher) expounds it, not theology.
  • پیش استادی که او نحوی بود ** جان شاگردش از او نحوی شود
  • With the master who is a grammarian—the soul of his pupil becomes imbued by him with grammar.
  • باز استادی که او محو ره است ** جان شاگردش از او محو شه است‌‌
  • Again, the master who is absorbed in the Way (of Súfism)— because of him the soul of his pupil is absorbed in the King (God).
  • زین همه انواع دانش روز مرگ ** دانش فقر است ساز راه و برگ‌‌
  • Of all these various kinds of knowledge, on the day of death the (best) equipment and provision for the road is the knowledge of (spiritual) poverty.
  • حکایت ماجرای نحوی و کشتیبان‌‌
  • The story of what passed between the grammarian and the boatman.
  • آن یکی نحوی به کشتی درنشست ** رو به کشتیبان نهاد آن خود پرست‌‌ 2835
  • A certain grammarian embarked in a boat. That self-conceited person turned to the boatman
  • گفت هیچ از نحو خواندی گفت لا ** گفت نیم عمر تو شد در فنا
  • And said, “Have you ever studied grammar?” “No,” he replied. The other said, “Half your life is gone to naught.”
  • دل شکسته گشت کشتیبان ز تاب ** لیک آن دم کرد خامش از جواب‌‌
  • The boatman became heart-broken with grief, but at the time he refrained from answering.
  • باد کشتی را به گردابی فگند ** گفت کشتیبان به آن نحوی بلند
  • The wind cast the boat into a whirlpool: the boatman spoke loud (shouted) to the grammarian,
  • هیچ دانی آشنا کردن بگو ** گفت نی ای خوش جواب خوب رو
  • “Tell me, do you know how to swim?” “No,” said he, “O fair-spoken good-looking man!”
  • گفت کل عمرت ای نحوی فناست ** ز آن که کشتی غرق این گردابهاست‌‌ 2840
  • “O grammarian,” said he, “your whole life is naught, because the boat is sinking in these whirlpools.”