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  • پیش از عثمان یکی نساخ بود ** کاو به نسخ وحی جدی می‌‌نمود
  • Before (the time of) ‘Uthmán there was a scribe who used to be diligent in writing down the Revelation.
  • چون نبی از وحی فرمودی سبق ** او همان را وانبشتی بر ورق‌‌
  • Whenever the Prophet dictated the Revelation, he would write out the same (portion) on the leaf.
  • پرتو آن وحی بر وی تافتی ** او درون خویش حکمت یافتی‌‌ 3230
  • The beams of that Revelation would shine upon him, and he would find Wisdom within him.
  • عین آن حکمت بفرمودی رسول ** زین قدر گمراه شد آن بو الفضول‌‌
  • The substance of that Wisdom was dictated by the Prophet: by this (small) amount (of reflected Wisdom) that meddling fool was led astray,
  • کانچه می‌‌گوید رسول مستنیر ** مر مرا هست آن حقیقت در ضمیر
  • Thinking, “I have in my conscience the Truth of that which the illumined Prophet is saying.”
  • پرتو اندیشه‌‌اش زد بر رسول ** قهر حق آورد بر جانش نزول‌‌
  • The ray of his thought struck the Prophet: the wrath of God descended on his (the scribe's) soul.
  • هم ز نساخی بر آمد هم ز دین ** شد عدوی مصطفی و دین به کین‌‌
  • He abandoned both his work as a scribe and the Religion (Islam): he became the malignant foe of Mustafá (Mohammed) and the Religion.
  • مصطفی فرمود کای گبر عنود ** چون سیه گشتی اگر نور از تو بود 3235
  • Mustafá said, “O obstinate miscreant, if the Light was from thee, how shouldst thou have become black (with sin)?
  • گر تو ینبوع الهی بودیی ** این چنین آب سیه نگشودیی‌‌
  • If thou hadst been the Divine fountain (whence the Revelation issued), thou wouldst not have let out such black water as this.”
  • تا که ناموسش به پیش این و آن ** نشکند بر بست این او را دهان‌‌
  • Lest his reputation should be ruined in the sight of all and sundry, this (pride) kept his mouth shut.