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  • از حق إن الظن لا يغنی رسید ** مرکب ظن بر فلک‌‌ها کی دوید
  • From God came (the text), “Verily, opinion doth not enable (you) to dispense (with the Truth)”: when did the steed of opinion run (mount) to the Heavens?
  • اغلب الظنین فی ترجیح ذا ** لا تماری الشمس فی توضیحها
  • While preferring (in case of doubt) the stronger of the two (alternative) opinions, do not doubt whether you see the sun when it is shining!
  • آن گهی بینید مرکبهای خویش ** مرکبی سازیده‌‌اید از پای خویش‌‌
  • At that time (when the spirit returns to God) behold your steeds! Ye have made a steed of your own foot.
  • وهم و فکر و حس و ادراک شما ** همچو نی دان مرکب کودک هلا 3445
  • Come, recognise that your imagination and reflection and sense-perception and apprehension are like the reed-cane on which children ride.
  • علمهای اهل دل حمالشان ** علمهای اهل تن احمالشان‌‌
  • The sciences of the mystics bear them (aloft); the sciences of sensual men are burdens to them.
  • علم چون بر دل زند یاری شود ** علم چون بر تن زند باری شود
  • When knowledge strikes on the heart (is acquired through mystical experience), it becomes a helper (yárí); when knowledge strikes on the body (is acquired through the senses), it becomes a burden (bárí).
  • گفت ایزد یحمل اسفاره ** بار باشد علم کان نبود ز هو
  • God hath said, “(Like an ass) laden with his books”: burdensome is the knowledge that is not from Himself.
  • علم کان نبود ز هو بی‌‌واسطه ** آن نپاید همچو رنگ ماشطه‌‌
  • The knowledge that is not immediately from Himself does not endure, (it is) like the tire woman's paint.
  • لیک چون این بار را نیکو کشی ** بار بر گیرند و بخشندت خوشی‌‌ 3450
  • But when you carry this burden well, the burden will be removed and you will be given (spiritual) joy.
  • هین مکش بهر هوا آن بار علم ** تا ببینی در درون انبار علم‌‌
  • Beware! Do not carry that burden of knowledge for the sake of selfish desire (but mortify yourself), so that you may behold the barn (store-house) of knowledge within (you),