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  • ابروان چون پالدم زیر آمده ** چشم را نم آمده تاری شده‏
  • The eyebrows fallen down like a crupper-strap; the eyes grown moist and dim;
  • از تشنج رو چو پشت سوسمار ** رفته نطق و طعم و دندانها ز کار
  • The face, from wrinkling, like the back of a lizard; speech and taste and teeth gone out of use;
  • روز بی‏گه لاشه لنگ و ره دراز ** کارگه ویران عمل رفته ز ساز 1225
  • The day late, the ass lame, and the way long; the shop ruined and the business in disorder;
  • بیخهای خوی بد محکم شده ** قوت بر کندن آن کم شده‏
  • The roots of bad habit firmly set, and the power to tear them up decreased.
  • فرمودن والی آن مرد را که این خار بن را که نشانده‏ای بر سر راه بر کن
  • How the Governor commanded a certain man, saying, “Root up the thorn bush which you have planted on the road.”
  • همچو آن شخص درشت خوش سخن ** در میان ره نشاند او خار بن‏
  • As (for example) that callous fair-spoken person planted a thorn bush in the middle of the road.
  • ره گذریانش ملامت‏گر شدند ** بس بگفتندش بکن این را نکند
  • The wayfarers reproached him and oftentimes told him to dig it up: he dug it not up.
  • هر دمی آن خار بن افزون شدی ** پای خلق از زخم آن پر خون شدی‏
  • Every moment the thorn bush was growing bigger: the people's feet were streaming with blood from its pricks.
  • جامه‏های خلق بدریدی ز خار ** پای درویشان بخستی زار زار 1230
  • The people's clothes were being rent by the thorns: the feet of the poor were being wounded pitiably.
  • چون به جد حاکم بدو گفت این بکن ** گفت آری بر کنم روزیش من‏
  • When the Governor said to him with earnestness, “Dig this up,” he replied, “Yes, I will dig it up some day.”
  • مدتی فردا و فردا وعده داد ** شد درخت خار او محکم نهاد
  • For a long while he promised (to dig it up) to-morrow and to-morrow; (meantime) his thorn bush became robust in constitution.