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  • و آن مسافر نیز از راه دراز ** خسته بود و دید آن اقبال و ناز
  • And the traveller, too, was tired by the long journey and (gladly) saw that favour and fondness (with which they regarded him).
  • صوفیانش یک به یک بنواختند ** نرد خدمتهای خوش می‏باختند
  • The Súfís, one by one, caressed him: they were playing the game of (bestowing) pleasant attentions (on him).
  • گفت چون می‏دید میلانشان به وی ** گر طرب امشب نخواهم کرد کی‏
  • When he saw their affection towards him, he said, “If I don't make merry to-night, when (shall I do so)?”
  • لوت خوردند و سماع آغاز کرد ** خانقه تا سقف شد پر دود و گرد
  • They ate the viands and began the samá‘ (musical dance); the monastery was filled with smoke and dust up to the roof—
  • دود مطبخ گرد آن پا کوفتن ** ز اشتیاق و وجد جان آشوفتن‏ 530
  • The smoke of the kitchen, the dust of (raised by) beating the feet (dancing), the tumult (caused) by longing and ecstasy of spirit.
  • گاه دست افشان قدم می‏کوفتند ** گه به سجده صفه را می‏روفتند
  • Now, waving their hands, they would beat (the ground with) their feet; now, in (religious) prostration, they would sweep the dais (with their foreheads).
  • دیر یابد صوفی آز از روزگار ** ز آن سبب صوفی بود بسیار خوار
  • (Only) after long (waiting) does the Súfí gain his desire (the satisfaction of his appetite) from Fortune: for that reason the Súfí is a great eater;
  • جز مگر آن صوفیی کز نور حق ** سیر خورد او فارغ است از ننگ دق‏
  • Except, to be sure, the Súfí who has eaten his fill of the Light of God: he is free from the shame of beggary;
  • از هزاران اندکی زین صوفیند ** باقیان در دولت او می‏زیند
  • (But) of these Súfís there are (only) a few among thousands; the rest are living in (under the protection of) his (the perfect Súfí's spiritual) empire.
  • چون سماع آمد از اول تا کران ** مطرب آغازید یک ضرب گران‏ 535
  • When the samá‘ had come (run its course) from beginning to end, the minstrel struck up a heavy (deep-sounding) strain.