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  • چون سلیمان بد وصالش را رضیع ** دیو گشتش بنده فرمان و مطیع‏
  • When Solomon was suckled on (the milk of) union with it, the demon became a thrall to his command and obedient.
  • در قضا یعقوب چون بنهاد سر ** چشم روشن کرد از بوی پسر
  • When Jacob bowed his head (in submission) to the (Divine) destiny, it (the Light) illumined (gladdened) his eye with the scent of his (lost) son.
  • یوسف مه رو چو دید آن آفتاب ** شد چنان بیدار در تعبیر خواب‏
  • When the moon-faced Joseph beheld that Sun, he became so wide-awake (wise) in the interpretation of dreams.
  • چون عصا از دست موسی آب خورد ** ملکت فرعون را یک لقمه کرد
  • When the rod drank water (was imbued with the influence of the Light) from the hand of Moses, it made one mouthful of Pharaoh's empire.
  • نردبانش عیسی مریم چو یافت ** بر فراز گنبد چارم شتافت‏ 920
  • When Jesus, the son of Mary, found its ladder, he sped to the topmost height of the Fourth Dome (of Heaven).
  • چون محمد یافت آن ملک و نعیم ** قرص مه را کرد او در دم دو نیم‏
  • When Mohammed gained that Kingdom and Felicity, he in a moment clave the disk of the moon in two halves.
  • چون ابو بکر آیت توفیق شد ** با چنان شه صاحب و صدیق شد
  • When Abú Bakr became a signal example of (God's) favour, he became the Companion of such a King (as Mohammed) and (received the name) Siddíq.
  • چون عمر شیدای آن معشوق شد ** حق و باطل را چو دل فاروق شد
  • When ‘Umar became distraught with that Beloved, he became a Fárúq (discerner), like the heart, between truth and falsehood.
  • چون که عثمان آن عیان را عین گشت ** نور فایض بود و ذی النورین گشت‏
  • When ‘Uthmán became the fountain of that clear (Essence), he was light overflowing and became Dhu ’l-Núrayn (Lord of the Two Lights).
  • چون ز رویش مرتضی شد در فشان ** گشت او شیر خدا درمرج جان‏ 925
  • When at (the sight of) its countenance Murtazá (‘Alí) began to scatter pearls (of spiritual truth), he became the Lion of God in the pasture of the soul.