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  • این فلان شیخست از ابدال خدا ** دست او را تو چرا کردی جدا
  • This is such-and-such a Shaykh, (one) of the Abdál (exalted saints) of God: why have you severed his hand?”
  • آن عوان بدرید جامه تیز رفت ** پیش شحنه داد آگاهیش تفت
  • The officer rent his garment and went speedily to the prefect and gave him the information at once.
  • شحنه آمد پا برهنه عذرخواه ** که ندانستم خدا بر من گواه 1685
  • The prefect came bare-footed, begging pardon. “I did not know,” he said; “God will bear me witness.
  • هین بحل کن مر مرا زین کار زشت ** ای کریم و سرور اهل بهشت
  • Pray now absolve me from this foul deed, O generous man and chief of the (destined) inhabitants of Paradise!”
  • گفت می‌دانم سبب این نیش را ** می‌شناسم من گناه خویش را
  • He (the Shaykh) said, “I know the cause of this (wound inflicted by the) knife: I recognise my sin.
  • من شکستم حرمت ایمان او ** پس یمینم برد دادستان او
  • I violated the sanctity of His oaths: therefore His judgement (sentence) took my right hand away.
  • من شکستم عهد و دانستم بدست ** تا رسید آن شومی جرات بدست
  • I broke my covenant and knew ‘twas evil (to break it), so that (in consequence of my breaking it) that ill-omened audacity reached (recoiled upon) my hand.
  • دست ما و پای ما و مغز و پوست ** باد ای والی فدای حکم دوست 1690
  • May my hand and my foot and brain and skin be offered in sacrifice, O governer, to the decree of the Beloved!
  • قسم من بود این ترا کردم حلال ** تو ندانستی ترا نبود وبال
  • ‘Twas my (destined) lot. I absolve thee from this. Thou didst not know: thou hast no guilt (to answer for).
  • و آنک او دانست او فرمان‌رواست ** با خدا سامان پیچیدن کجاست
  • And He that knew, He is the One whose command is (every-where) carried into execution: where is the power of struggling with God?”