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  • باز گوید سر بر آر و باز گو ** که بخواهم جست از تو مو بمو
  • Again He says, “Lift up thy head and relate (thy deeds), for I will inquire of thee (concerning them), hair by hair.”
  • قوت پا ایستادن نبودش ** که خطاب هیبتی بر جان زدش
  • He hath no power to stand on foot, since the words of awe addressed to him have smitten his soul;
  • پس نشیند قعده زان بار گران ** حضرتش گوید سخن گو با بیان
  • So he sits down because of that heavy burden. (Then) the Lord says to him, “Speak plainly!
  • نعمتت دادم بگو شکرت چه بود ** دادمت سرمایه هین بنمای سود
  • I gave thee bounty: tell (Me), what were thy thanks? I gave thee capital: come, show (Me) the interest.”
  • رو بدست راست آرد در سلام ** سوی جان انبیا و آن کرام 2165
  • (Then) he (the worshipper) turns his face to the right hand in the salutation—towards the spirits of the prophets and those of the noble (saints),
  • یعنی ای شاهان شفاعت کین لیم ** سخت در گل ماندش پای و گلیم
  • Meaning to say, “O kings, (vouchsafe) intercession, for this vile one's feet and mantle are stuck fast in the mire.”
  • بیان اشارت سلام سوی دست راست در قیامت از هیبت محاسبه حق از انبیا استعانت و شفاعت خواستن
  • Explaining that the salutation (in prayer) towards the right hand at the Resurrection indicates (the worshipper's) dread of being examined by God and (his) seeking help and intercession from the prophets.
  • انبیا گویند روز چاره رفت ** چاره آنجا بود و دست‌افزار زفت
  • The prophets say, “The day for remedy is past; the remedy and the strong implement (for tilling the soil of good works) were there.
  • مرغ بی‌هنگامی ای بدبخت رو ** ترک ما گو خون ما اندر مشو
  • Thou art an untimely bird. Begone, O miserable one, take leave of us, do not wade in our blood.”
  • رو بگرداند به سوی دست چپ ** در تبار و خویش گویندش که خپ
  • (Then) he turns his face to the left hand towards his family and kinsfolk: they say to him, “Be silent!
  • هین جواب خویش گو با کردگار ** ما کییم ای خواجه دست از ما بدار 2170
  • Hark, answer for thyself to the Creator. Who are we? Sire, keep thy hands off us!”