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  • این نماید نور و سوزد یار را ** و آن بصورت نار و گل زوار را
  • This (flaming candle) seems to be Light, (but) it burns its friend, while that (Candle of Religion) is fire in appearance, but is (delicious as) roses to (its) visitors.
  • این چو سازنده ولی سوزنده‌ای ** و آن گه وصلت دل افروزنده‌ای 4375
  • The former is like a complaisant (friend), but it is a burner, while that (other) is an illuminator of the heart at the moment of union.
  • شکل شعله‌ی نور پاک سازوار ** حاضران را نور و دوران را چو نار
  • To those present (with God) the appearance of the spark of pure and worthy Light is luminous, while to those far (from God) it is like fire.
  • ملاقات آن عاشق با صدر جهان
  • The meeting of the lover with the Sadr-i Jahán.
  • آن بخاری نیز خود بر شمع زد ** گشته بود از عشقش آسان آن کبد
  • The man of Bukhárá also cast himself upon candle: because of his passion that suffering had become easy to him.
  • آه سوزانش سوی گردون شده ** در دل صدر جهان مهر آمده
  • His burning sighs went up to heaven: kindness (for him) came into the heart of the Sadr-i Jahán,
  • گفته با خود در سحرگه کای احد ** حال آن آواره‌ی ما چون بود
  • (Who) said, (communing) with himself at dawn, “O (Thou who art) One, how fareth that distraught wanderer of Ours?
  • او گناهی کرد و ما دیدیم لیک ** رحمت ما را نمی‌دانست نیک 4380
  • He committed a sin, and We saw (it), but he was not well acquainted with Our mercy.
  • خاطر مجرم ز ما ترسان شود ** لیک صد اومید در ترسش بود
  • The sinner’s heart becomes afraid of Us, but in his fear there are a hundred hopes.
  • من بترسانم وقیح یاوه را ** آنک ترسد من چه ترسانم ورا
  • I frighten the impudent man who has lost the (right) way: why should I frighten him who is afraid?
  • بهر دیگ سرد آذر می‌رود ** نه بدان کز جوش از سر می‌رود
  • Fire is used for the cold pot, not for that (pot) which is boiling over.