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  • زان جرای خاص هر که آگاه شد ** او سزای قرب و اجری‌گاه شد
  • Whosoever has become acquainted with that choice (spiritual) allowance, he has become worthy of approach (to the Presence) and of (Him who is) the Source of (every) allowance.
  • زان جرای روح چون نقصان شود ** جانش از نقصان آن لرزان شود
  • When there is a reduction of that spiritual allowance, his spirit trembles on account of its reduction;
  • پس بداند که خطایی رفته است ** که سمن‌زار رضا آشفته است
  • (For) then he knows that a fault has been committed (by him) which has ruffled the jasmine-bed of (Divine) approbation,
  • هم‌چنانک آن شخص از نقصان کشت ** رقعه سوی صاحب خرمن نبشت
  • Just as (happened when) that person (the slave), on account of the deficiency of his crop, wrote a letter to the owner of the harvest.
  • رقعه‌اش بردند پیش میر داد ** خواند او رقعه جوابی وا نداد 1865
  • They brought his letter to the lord of justice: he read the letter and returned no answer.
  • گفت او را نیست الا درد لوت ** پس جواب احمق اولیتر سکوت
  • He said, “He hath no care but for (the loss of) viands: silence, then, is the best answer to a fool.
  • نیستش درد فراق و وصل هیچ ** بند فرعست او نجوید اصل هیچ
  • He hath no care at all for separation (from me) or union (with me): he is confined to the branch (the derivative); he does not seek the root (the fundamental) at all.
  • احمقست و مرده‌ی ما و منی ** کز غم فرعش فراغ اصل نی
  • He is a fool and (spiritually) dead in egoism, for because of his anxious care for the branch he hath no leisure for the root.”
  • آسمانها و زمین یک سیب دان ** کز درخت قدرت حق شد عیان
  • Deem the skies and the earth to be an apple that appeared from the tree of Divine Power.
  • تو چه کرمی در میان سیب در ** وز درخت و باغبانی بی‌خبر 1870
  • Thou art as a worm in the midst of the apple and art ignorant of the tree and the gardener.