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  • عقل را باشد وفای عهدها ** تو نداری عقل رو ای خربها
  • The keeping of promises appertains to reason: thou hast not reason: begone, O thou whose value is that of an ass!
  • عقل را یاد آید از پیمان خود ** پرده‌ی نسیان بدراند خرد
  • Reason remembers its covenant: understanding rends the veil of forgetfulness.
  • چونک عقلت نیست نسیان میر تست ** دشمن و باطل کن تدبیر تست 2290
  • Since thou hast not reason, forgetfulness is thy ruler: it is thy enemy and the bringer-to-naught of thy devising.”
  • از کمی عقل پروانه‌ی خسیس ** یاد نارد ز آتش و سوز و حسیس
  • From deficiency of reason the wretched moth does not re member the flame and the burning and the (crackling) sound (when its wings are scorched).
  • چونک پرش سوخت توبه می‌کند ** آز و نسیانش بر آتش می‌زند
  • When its wings are burnt, it repents; (but) cupidity and forgetfulness dash it (again) into the flame.
  • ضبط و درک و حافظی و یادداشت ** عقل را باشد که عقل آن را فراشت
  • Grasp and apprehension and retentiveness and keeping in mind belong to Reason, for Reason has raised those (faculties).
  • چونک گوهر نیست تابش چون بود ** چون مذکر نیست ایابش چون بود
  • When the pearl is not there, how should its lustre exist? When there is none to remind (admonish the fool), how should he turn back (from folly)?
  • این تمنی هم ز بی‌عقلی اوست ** که نبیند کان حماقت را چه خوست 2295
  • Moreover, this wish (to escape from the consequences of his folly) arises from his want of reason, for he does not see what is the nature of that folly.
  • آن ندامت از نتیجه‌ی رنج بود ** نه ز عقل روشن چون گنج بود
  • That contrition was the result of pain, not of Reason which is bright as a treasure.
  • چونک شد رنج آن ندامت شد عدم ** می‌نیرزد خاک آن توبه و ندم
  • When the pain departed, that contrition became naught: that repentance and contrition hath not the worth (even) of dust.