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  • آن شیاطین خود حسود کهنه‌اند  ** یک زمان از ره‌زنی خالی نه‌اند 
  • Truly those devils are envious of old: never for a moment do they cease from waylaying;
  • وآن بنی آدم که عصیان کشته‌اند  ** از حسودی نیز شیطان گشته‌اند 
  • And the sons of Adam who have sown (the seed of) disobedience—they too have become devils from enviousness.
  • از نبی برخوان که شیطانان انس  ** گشته‌اند از مسخ حق با دیو جنس  1220
  • Read in the Qur’án how by Divine transformation the devils of mankind have become homogeneous with the Devil.
  • دیو چون عاجز شود در افتتان  ** استعانت جوید او زین انسیان 
  • When the Devil fails to tempt (any one), he seeks aid from these human (devils).
  • که شما یارید با ما یاریی  ** جانب مایید جانب داریی 
  • Saying, ‘Ye are my friends: (perform) an act of friendship towards me; ye are on my side: (perform) an act of partiality.’
  • گر کسی را ره زنند اندر جهان  ** هر دو گون شیطان بر آید شادمان 
  • If they waylay any one in the world, both kinds of devils come off rejoicing;
  • ور کسی جان برد و شد در دین بلند  ** نوحه می‌دارند آن دو رشک‌مند 
  • And if any one has saved his soul and become eminent in religion, those two jealous (parties) keep up lamentation.
  • هر دو می‌خایند دندان حسد  ** بر کسی که داد ادیب او را خرد  1225
  • Both gnash their teeth in envy at any one upon whom the (spiritual) Teacher has bestowed wisdom.”
  • پرسیدن آن پادشاه از آن مدعی نبوت کی آنک رسول راستین باشد و ثابت شود با او چه باشد کی کسی را بخشد یا به صحبت و خدمت او چه بخشش یابند غیر نصیحت به زبان کی می‌گوید 
  • How the king asked the man who claimed to be a prophet, saying, “The person who is a true Messenger (of God) and becomes established (as such)—what has he to give to any one, or what gifts will people obtain by consorting with him and serving him, except the counsel which he utters with his tongue?”
  • شاه پرسیدش که باری وحی چیست  ** یا چه حاصل دارد آن کس کو نبیست 
  • The king questioned him, saying, “After all, what is inspiration, or what has he got who is a prophet?”
  • گفت خود آن چیست کش حاصل نشد  ** یا چه دولت ماند کو واصل نشد 
  • He replied, “What is there indeed that he has not got, or what fortune is left whereunto he has not attained?