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  • از قضا رنجور و ناخوش شد هلال  ** مصطفی را وحی شد غماز حال  1150
  • By (Divine) destiny Hilál became ill and weak: inspiration acquainted Mustafá with his condition.
  • بد ز رنجوریش خواجه‌ش بی‌خبر  ** که بر او بد کساد و بی‌خطر 
  • His master was unaware of his illness, for in his eyes he (Hilál) was worth little and without importance.
  • خفته نه روز اندر آخر محسنی  ** هیچ کس از حال او آگاه نی 
  • (Such) a well-doer lay (ill) in the stable for nine days, and none took notice of his plight.
  • آنک کس بود و شهنشاه کسان  ** عقل صد چون قلزمش هر جا رسان 
  • (But) he who was a personage and the Emperor of (all) personages, he whose oceanic mind reaches every place—
  • وحیش آمد رحم حق غم‌خوار شد  ** که فلان مشتاق تو بیمار شد 
  • To him came the (Divine) inspiration: God's Mercy sympathised (with Hilál), saying (to the Prophet), “Such-and-such an one who longs for thee is fallen sick.”
  • مصطفی بهر هلال با شرف  ** رفت از بهر عیادت آن طرف  1155
  • (Thereupon) Mustafá went thither to pay a visit to the noble Hilál.
  • در پی خورشید وحی آن مه دوان  ** وآن صحابه در پیش چون اختران 
  • The (Prophetic) Moon was running behind the Sun of inspiration, while the Companions followed behind him, like the stars.
  • ماه می‌گوید که اصحابی نجوم  ** للسری قدوه و للطاغی رجوم 
  • The Moon is saying, “My Companions are stars—a model for (those who follow them in) the night-journey, and missiles hurled at the disobedient.”
  • میر را گفتند که آن سلطان رسید  ** او ز شادی بی‌دل و جان برجهید 
  • (When) the Amír was told of the arrival of that (spiritual) Sultan, he sprang up, beside himself with joy;
  • برگمان آن ز شادی زد دو دست  ** کان شهنشه بهر او میر آمدست 
  • He clapped his hands joyously, thinking that the (spiritual) Emperor had come on his account.