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  • از سعادت چون بر آن جان بر زدند  ** هم‌چو تن آن روح را خادم شدند 
  • When, by happy fortune, they attached themselves to that Spirit, they became subservient to that Spirit, as the body (is subservient to the spirit dwelling in it).
  • آن بلیس از جان از آن سر برده بود  ** یک نشد با جان که عضو مرده بود  155
  • Hence Iblís (Satan) had turned his head away from the Spirit: he did not become one with it because he was a dead limb.
  • چون نبودش آن فدای آن نشد  ** دست بشکسته مطیع جان نشد 
  • Since he had it not, he did not become devoted to it: the broken hand does not obey the spirit (which rules the body).
  • جان نشد ناقص گر آن عضوش شکست  ** کان بدست اوست تواند کرد هست 
  • (But) the Spirit is not impaired though its limb is broken, for that (limb) is in its power, and it can bring it to life.
  • سر دیگر هست کو گوش دگر  ** طوطیی کو مستعد آن شکر 
  • There is another mystery (to be told), (but) where is another ear? Where is a parrot capable of (eating) that sugar?
  • طوطیان خاص را قندیست ژرف  ** طوطیان عام از آن خور بسته طرف 
  • For the elect parrots there is a profound (occult) candy: to that food the eyes of the vulgar parrots are closed.
  • کی چشد درویش صورت زان زکات  ** معنیست آن نه فعولن فاعلات  160
  • How should one who has (only) the appearance of a dervish taste of that purity? It is spiritual reality, not (mere) fa‘úlun fá‘ilát (amphibrachs and cretics).
  • از خر عیسی دریغش نیست قند  ** لیک خر آمد به خلقت که پسند 
  • Candy is not withheld from the ass of Jesus by him (Jesus), but the ass is naturally pleased with straw.
  • قند خر را گر طرب انگیختی  ** پیش خر قنطار شکر ریختی 
  • If candy had roused delight in the ass, he would have poured hundredweights of sugar in front of the ass.
  • معنی نختم علی افواههم  ** این شناس اینست ره‌رو را مهم 
  • Know that this is the (inner) meaning of We seal their mouths: this (knowledge) is important for the traveller on the Way,