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  • زین سبب که علم ضاله‌ی مومنست  ** عارف ضاله‌ی خودست و موقنست 
  • Because “knowledge is the true believer's lost camel,” he recognises his own lost camel and feels certain (that it is his).
  • آنک هرگز روز نیکو خود ندید  ** او درین ادبار کی خواهد طپید 
  • (But) he that has never seen good fortune, how will he be perturbed in this calamity?
  • یا به طفلی در اسیری اوفتاد  ** یا خود از اول ز مادر بنده زاد 
  • Either he fell into captivity in childhood, or was born a slave at first from his mother's womb.
  • ذوق آزادی ندیده جان او  ** هست صندوق صور میدان او  4510
  • His soul has never known the delight of (spiritual) freedom: the chest of (phenomenal) forms is his arena.
  • دایما محبوس عقلش در صور  ** از قفس اندر قفس دارد گذر 
  • His mind is for ever imprisoned in forms: he (only) passes from cage into cage.
  • منفذش نه از قفس سوی علا  ** در قفس‌ها می‌رود از جا به جا 
  • He has no means of passing beyond the cage (and going) aloft: he goes to and fro into (successive) cages.
  • در نبی ان استطعتم فانفذوا  ** این سخن با جن و انس آمد ز هو 
  • In the Qur’án (is the text), “If ye have the power, pass beyond”: these words came from Him (God) to the Jinn and mankind.
  • گفت منفذ نیست از گردونتان  ** جز به سلطان و به وحی آسمان 
  • He said, “There is no way for you to pass beyond the sky save by (Divine) authority and by inspiration from Heaven.”
  • گر ز صندوقی به صندوقی رود  ** او سمایی نیست صندوقی بود  4515
  • If he (any one) go from chest to chest, he is not of Heaven, he is of the chest (the lower world).
  • فرجه صندوق نو نو مسکرست  ** در نیابد کو به صندوق اندرست 
  • The pleasure of changing his chest (only) stupefies him anew: he does not perceive that he is inside the chest.