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  • I am blind to aught other than God, I am (made) seeing by Him: if this is be what Love demands, 'tis well.
  • کورم از غیر خدا بینا بدو ** مقتضای عشق این باشد نکو
  • Do not Thou (O God), who art seeing, deem me to be one of the blind: I am revolving round Thy grace, O Axis (of all).
  • تو که بینایی ز کورانم مدار ** دایرم برگرد لطفت ای مدار
  • Just as Thou didst show a dream to the veracious Joseph, and it became a support to him, 2365
  • آنچنانک یوسف صدیق را ** خواب بنمودی و گشتش متکا
  • To me too Thy grace showed a dream: that endless prayer of mine was not an idle play.
  • مر مرا لطف تو هم خوابی نمود ** آن دعای بی‌حدم بازی نبود
  • (Thy) creatures do not understand my hidden thoughts and they regard my words as drivel.
  • می‌نداند خلق اسرار مرا ** ژاژ می‌دانند گفتار مرا
  • They have the right (to do so), for who knows the mystery of the Unseen save the Knower of secrets and the Coverer of faults?”
  • حقشان است و کی داند راز غیب ** غیر علام سر و ستار عیب
  • His adversary said to him, “Turn your face to me! Tell the truth! Why have you turned your face towards Heaven, uncle?
  • خصم گفتش رو به من کن حق بگو ** رو چه سوی آسمان کردی عمو
  • You are employing fraud, you are casting error (suggesting falsehood) : you are prating of love and nearness (to God). 2370
  • شید می‌آری غلط می‌افکنی ** لاف عشق و لاف قربت می‌زنی
  • Inasmuch as you are spiritually dead, with what face have you turned your face towards the heavens?”
  • با کدامین روی چون دل‌مرده‌ای ** روی سوی آسمانها کرده‌ای
  • On this account an uproar arose in the city, (while) that Moslem laid his face (flat) on the ground.
  • غلغلی در شهر افتاده ازین ** آن مسلمان می‌نهد رو بر زمین
  • Crying, “O God, do not put this servant (of Thine) to shame: if I am wicked, yet do not divulge my secret.
  • کای خدا این بنده را رسوا مکن ** گر بدم هم سر من پیدا مکن
  • Thou knowest (the truth), and the long nights (know it) during which I was calling unto Thee with a hundred supplications.
  • تو همی‌دانی و شبهای دراز ** که همی‌خواندم ترا با صد نیاز
  • Albeit this (supplication) has no worth in the sight of the people, in Thy sight it is like a shining lamp.” 2375
  • پیش خلق این را اگر خود قدر نیست ** پیش تو همچون چراغ روشنیست
  • How David, on whom be peace, heard what both the litigants had to say, and interrogated the defendant.
  • شنیدن داود علیه السلام سخن هر دو خصم وسال کردن از مدعی علیه
  • When the prophet David came forth, he asked, "What is all this about? What is the matter?"
  • چونک داود نبی آمد برون ** گفت هین چونست این احوال چون
  • The plaintiff said, “O prophet of God, (give me) justice! My cow strayed into his house.
  • مدعی گفت ای نبی الله داد ** گاو من در خانه او در فتاد
  • He killed my cow. Ask him why he killed my cow, and (bid him) explain what happened.”
  • کشت گاوم را بپرسش که چرا ** گاو من کشت او بیان کن ماجرا
  • David said to him (the poor man), “Speak, O noble one! How did you destroy the property of this honourable person?
  • گفت داودش بگو ای بوالکرم ** چون تلف کردی تو ملک محترم
  • Take care! Do not talk incoherently, (but) bring forward (your) plea, in order that this claim and cause may be (settled and) laid aside.” 2380
  • هین پراکنده مگو حجت بیار ** تا به یک سو گردد این دعوی و کار
  • He said, “O David, for seven years I was (engaged) day and night in invocation and entreaty.
  • گفت ای داود بودم هفت سال ** روز و شب اندر دعا و در سال
  • This (is what) I was seeking from God: ‘O God, (I said), I want a means of livelihood (that will be) lawful and without trouble (on my part).’
  • این همی‌جستم ز یزدان کای خدا ** روزیی خواهم حلال و بی عنا
  • (Both) men and women are acquainted with my lamentation; the children (can) describe this happening.
  • مرد و زن بر ناله من واقف‌اند ** کودکان این ماجرا را واصف‌اند
  • Ask whomsoever thou wilt for information about this, so that he may tell (thee) without torture and without (suffering) harm.
  • تو بپرس از هر که خواهی این خبر ** تا بگوید بی شکنجه بی ضرر
  • Inquire of the people both and secretly what this beggar with the tattered cloak used to say. 2385
  • هم هویدا پرس و هم پنهان ز خلق ** که چه می‌گفت این گدای ژنده‌دلق
  • After all this invocation and outcry, suddenly I saw a cow in my house.
  • بعد این جمله دعا و این فغان ** گاوی اندر خانه دیدم ناگهان
  • My eye became dim, not on account of the food, (but) for joy that the supplication had been accepted.
  • چشم من تاریک شد نه بهر لوت ** شادی آن که قبول آمد قنوت
  • I killed her that I might give (alms) in thankfulness that He who knoweth things unseen had hearkened to my prayer.”
  • کشتم آن را تا دهم در شکر آن ** که دعای من شنود آن غیب‌دان
  • How David, on whom be peace, gave judgement against the slayer of the cow.
  • حکم کردن داود علیه السلام برکشنده‌ی گاو
  • David said, “Wipe out these words and declare (set forth) a legal plea in this dispute.
  • گفت داود این سخنها را بشو ** حجت شرعی درین دعوی بگو
  • Do you deem it allowable that, without any (such) plea, I should establish a wring ordinance in the city? 2390
  • تو روا داری که من بی حجتی ** بنهم اندر شهر باطل سنتی
  • Who gave you this (cow)? Did you buy or inherit her? How will you take the crop? Are you the farmer?
  • این کی بخشیدت خریدی وارثی ** ریع را چون می‌ستانی حارثی
  • Know, uncle, that the acquisition (of property) is like agriculture: unless you sow (the land), the produce does not belong to you;
  • کسب را همچون زراعت دان عمو ** تا نکاری دخل نبود آن تو
  • For you reap what you sow: that is yours. Otherwise, this act of injustice is proved against you.
  • آنچ کاری بدروی آن آن تست ** ورنه این بی‌داد بر تو شد درست
  • Go, pay the Moslem’s money, and don’t speak falsely. Go, try to borrow (the money), and pay (it to him), and don’t seek (to do) wrong.”
  • رو بده مال مسلمان کژ مگو ** رو بجو وام و بده باطل مجو
  • “O King,” he replied, “thou art saying to me the same thing as the oppressors say.” 2395
  • گفت ای شه تو همین می‌گوییم ** که همی‌گویند اصحاب ستم
  • How that person earnestly appealed (to God) against the judgement of David, on whom be peace.
  • تضرع آن شخص از داوری داود علیه السلام
  • He prostrated himself and said, “O Thou who knowest (my inward) ardour, cast that flame into the heart of David!
  • سجده کرد و گفت کای دانای سوز ** در دل داود انداز آن فروز
  • Put in his heart that which Thou hast secretly let fall into mine, O my Benefactor!”
  • در دلش نه آنچ تو اندر دلم ** اندر افکندی براز ای مفضلم
  • He said this and began to weep with loud cries of lamentation, so that David’s heart was moved exceedingly’.
  • این بگفت و گریه در شد های های ** تا دل داود بیرون شد ز جای
  • “Hark,” said he, “O demander of (redress on account of) the cow, give me a respite to-day and do not search into these matters of dispute,
  • گفت هین امروز ای خواهان گاو ** مهلتم ده وین دعاوی را مکاو
  • So that I may go to a solitary place and ask the Knower of mysteries about these matters, (whilst I am engaged) in prayer. 2400
  • تا روم من سوی خلوت در نماز ** پرسم این احوال از دانای راز
  • During prayer I am accustomed to turn thus (to God): (that is) the meaning of (the words of the Tradition), ‘the delight I feel in the ritual prayer
  • خوی دارم در نماز این التفات ** معنی قرة عینی فی الصلوة
  • The window of my soul is opened, and from the purity (of the Unseen World) the Book of God comes (to me) without intermediary.
  • روزن جانم گشادست از صفا ** می‌رسد بی واسطه نامه‌ی خدا
  • The Book and the rain (of Divine grace) and the Light are falling through my window into my house from my (real and original) source.’’
  • نامه و باران و نور از روزنم ** می‌فتد در خانه‌ام از معدنم
  • The house that is without a window is Hell: to make a window, O servant (of God),is the foundation of the (true) Religion.
  • دوزخست آن خانه کان بی روزنست ** اصل دین ای بنده روزن کردنست
  • Do not ply the axe on every thicket: oh, come and ply the axe in excavating a window. 2405
  • تیشه‌ی هر بیشه‌ای کم زن بیا ** تیشه زن در کندن روزن هلا
  • Or dost not thou know that the light of the sun is the re flexion of the Sun beyond the veil?
  • یا نمی‌دانی که نور آفتاب ** عکس خورشید برونست از حجاب
  • (If) thou regardest as the (only) light this (light of the sun), which the animals too have seen, what, then, is (the illumination signified in the text) “I bestowed honour on My Adam?”
  • نور این دانی که حیوان دید هم ** پس چه کرمنا بود بر آدمم
  • “I am plunged in the Light, like the sun; I cannot distinguish myself from the Light
  • من چو خورشیدم درون نور غرق ** می‌ندانم کرد خویش از نور فرق
  • My going to prayer and to that solitude is for the purpose of teaching the people the Way.
  • رفتنم سوی نماز و آن خلا ** بهر تعلیمست ره مر خلق را
  • I put (things) crooked in order that this world may become straight”: this is (the meaning of) “War is deceit,” O paladin. 2410
  • کژ نهم تا راست گردد این جهان ** حرب خدعه این بود ای پهلوان
  • There is not permission (for me to say more); otherwise, he (David) would have poured out (the whole matter) and would have raised dust from the sea of the mystery.
  • نیست دستوری و گر نه ریختی ** گرد از دریای راز انگیختی
  • David went on speaking in this tenor, (so that) the under standing of the people was on the point of being burned up.
  • همچنین داود می‌گفت این نسق ** خواست گشتن عقل خلقان محترق