“O King,” he replied, “thou art saying to me the same thing as the oppressors say.”2395
گفت ای شه تو همین میگوییم ** که همیگویند اصحاب ستم
How that person earnestly appealed (to God) against the judgement of David, on whom be peace.
تضرع آن شخص از داوری داود علیه السلام
He prostrated himself and said, “O Thou who knowest (my inward) ardour, cast that flame into the heart of David!
سجده کرد و گفت کای دانای سوز ** در دل داود انداز آن فروز
Put in his heart that which Thou hast secretly let fall into mine, O my Benefactor!”
در دلش نه آنچ تو اندر دلم ** اندر افکندی براز ای مفضلم
He said this and began to weep with loud cries of lamentation, so that David’s heart was moved exceedingly’.
این بگفت و گریه در شد های های ** تا دل داود بیرون شد ز جای
“Hark,” said he, “O demander of (redress on account of) the cow, give me a respite to-day and do not search into these matters of dispute,
گفت هین امروز ای خواهان گاو ** مهلتم ده وین دعاوی را مکاو
So that I may go to a solitary place and ask the Knower of mysteries about these matters, (whilst I am engaged) in prayer.2400
تا روم من سوی خلوت در نماز ** پرسم این احوال از دانای راز
During prayer I am accustomed to turn thus (to God): (that is) the meaning of (the words of the Tradition), ‘the delight I feel in the ritual prayer
خوی دارم در نماز این التفات ** معنی قرة عینی فی الصلوة
The window of my soul is opened, and from the purity (of the Unseen World) the Book of God comes (to me) without intermediary.
روزن جانم گشادست از صفا ** میرسد بی واسطه نامهی خدا
The Book and the rain (of Divine grace) and the Light are falling through my window into my house from my (real and original) source.’’
نامه و باران و نور از روزنم ** میفتد در خانهام از معدنم
The house that is without a window is Hell: to make a window, O servant (of God),is the foundation of the (true) Religion.
دوزخست آن خانه کان بی روزنست ** اصل دین ای بنده روزن کردنست
Do not ply the axe on every thicket: oh, come and ply the axe in excavating a window.2405
تیشهی هر بیشهای کم زن بیا ** تیشه زن در کندن روزن هلا
Or dost not thou know that the light of the sun is the re flexion of the Sun beyond the veil?
یا نمیدانی که نور آفتاب ** عکس خورشید برونست از حجاب
(If) thou regardest as the (only) light this (light of the sun), which the animals too have seen, what, then, is (the illumination signified in the text) “I bestowed honour on My Adam?”
نور این دانی که حیوان دید هم ** پس چه کرمنا بود بر آدمم
“I am plunged in the Light, like the sun; I cannot distinguish myself from the Light
من چو خورشیدم درون نور غرق ** میندانم کرد خویش از نور فرق
My going to prayer and to that solitude is for the purpose of teaching the people the Way.
رفتنم سوی نماز و آن خلا ** بهر تعلیمست ره مر خلق را
I put (things) crooked in order that this world may become straight”: this is (the meaning of) “War is deceit,” O paladin.2410
کژ نهم تا راست گردد این جهان ** حرب خدعه این بود ای پهلوان
There is not permission (for me to say more); otherwise, he (David) would have poured out (the whole matter) and would have raised dust from the sea of the mystery.
نیست دستوری و گر نه ریختی ** گرد از دریای راز انگیختی
David went on speaking in this tenor, (so that) the under standing of the people was on the point of being burned up.
همچنین داود میگفت این نسق ** خواست گشتن عقل خلقان محترق
Then some one pulled his collar from behind, saying, “I have not any doubt as to His unity.”
پس گریبانش کشید از پس یکی ** که ندارم در یکییاش شکی
(Thereupon) he came to himself, cut short his discourse, closed his lips, and set out for the place where he was alone.
با خود آمد گفت را کوتاه کرد ** لب ببست و عزم خلوتگاه کرد
How David went into seclusion in order that the truth might be made manifest.
در خلوت رفتن داود تا آنچ حقست پیدا شود
He shut the door, and then went quickly to the prayer-niche and (betook himself to) the invocation that is answered (by God).2415
در فرو بست و برفت آنگه شتاب ** سوی محراب و دعای مستجاب
God revealed the entire matter to him’ he became aware of him that was (really) deserving of punishment.
حق نمودش آنچ بنمودش تمام ** گشت واقف بر سزای انتقام
Next day all the litigants came and formed ranks before David.
روز دیگر جمله خصمان آمدند ** پیش داود پیمبر صف زدند
Thus the questions (left) in dispute came up again: the plain tiff at once uttered violent reproaches.
همچنان آن ماجراها باز رفت ** زود زد آن مدعی تشنیع زفت
How David gave judgement against the owner of the cow, bidding him withdraw from the case concerning the cow; and how the owner of the cow reproached David, on whom be peace.
حکم کردن داود بر صاحب گاو کی از سر گاو برخیز و تشنیع صاحب گاو بر داود علیه السلام
David said to him, “Be silent! Go, abandon (your claim), and acquit this Moslem of (responsibility for) your cow.
گفت داودش خمش کن رو بهل ** این مسلمان را ز گاوت کن بحل
Inasmuch as God has thrown a veil over you (concealed your guilt), O youth, depart and keep silence and acknowledge the obligation of (giving thanks to God for His) concealment.”2420
چون خدا پوشید بر تو ای جوان ** رو خمش کن حق ستاری بدان
He cried, “Oh, woe is me! What judgement is this, what justice? Wilt thou establish a new law on my account?
گفت وا ویلی چه حکمست این چه داد ** از پی من شرع نو خواهی نهاد
The fame of thy justice has gone so far that earth and heaven have become fragrant (with the scent thereof).
رفته است آوازهی عدلت چنان ** که معطر شد زمین و آسمان
This wrong has never been done (even) to blind dogs; rock and mountain are burst asunder of a sudden by this iniquity.”
بر سگان کور این استم نرفت ** زین تعدی سنگ و که بشکافت تفت
In such fashion was he uttering reproaches publicly, crying, “Hark ye, ‘tis the time of injustice, hark ye!”
همچنین تشنیع میزد برملا ** کالصلا هنگام ظلمست الصلا
How David pronounced sentence against the owner of the cow, saying, “Give him (the defendant) the whole of your property.”
حکم کردن داود بر صاحب گاو کی جمله مال خود را به وی ده
After that, David said to him, “O contumacious man, give the whole of your wealth to him immediately;2425
بعد از آن داود گفتش کای عنود ** جمله مال خویش او را بخش زود
Otherwise, your plight will become grievous. I tell you (this) in order that your crime may not be made manifest through him.”
ورنه کارت سخت گردد گفتمت ** تا نگردد ظاهر از وی استمت
He put dust on his head and tore his raiment, crying, “At every instant thou art adding an injury.”
خاک بر سر کرد و جامه بر درید ** که بهر دم میکنی ظلمی مزید
Once more he went on in this (strain of) reproach; then David called him to his presence,
یکدمی دیگر برین تشنیع راند ** باز داودش به پیش خویش خواند
And said, “Since ‘twas not your fortune (to be saved), O you whose fortune is blind, little by little your wickedness has come to light.
گفت چون بختت نبود ای بختکور ** ظلمت آمد اندک اندک در ظهور
Cacavisti, then (you advance to) the high seat and the place of honour. Oh, may sticks and straw be withheld from such an ass as you are! [You have defecated (in a filthy manner), then (you advance to) the high seat and the place of honour. Oh, may sticks and straw be withheld from such an ass as you are!]2430
ریدهای آنگاه صدر و پیشگاه ** ای دریغ از چون تو خر خاشاک و کاه
Begone! Your children and your wife have (now) become his slaves. Say no more!”
رو که فرزندان تو با جفت تو ** بندگان او شدند افزون مگو
He (the plaintiff) was dashing stones against his breast with both hands and running up and down in his folly.
سنگ بر سینه همیزد با دو دست ** میدوید از جهل خود بالا و پست
The people too began to blame (David), for they were unaware of the hidden (circumstances) of his (the plaintiff’s) action.
خلق هم اندر ملامت آمدند ** کز ضمیر کار او غافل بدند
How should one that is subject, like a straw, to (the wind of) sensuality know the oppressor from the oppressed?
ظالم از مظلوم کی داند کسی ** کو بود سخرهی هوا همچون خسی
He that cuts off the head of his wicked self—he (alone) finds the way to (discriminating) the oppressor from the oppressed.2435
ظالم از مظلوم آنکس پی برد ** کو سر نفس ظلوم خود برد
Otherwise, that oppressor, which is the fleshly soul within (us), (being moved) by frenzy, is the adversary of every oppressed person.
ورنه آن ظالم که نفس است از درون ** خصم هر مظلوم باشد از جنون
A dog always attacks the poor; so far as it can, it inflicts wounds upon the poor.
سگ هماره حمله بر مسکین کند ** تا تواند زخم بر مسکین زند
Know that lions feel shame, (but) not dogs, because he (the lion) does not prey on his neighbours.
شرم شیران راست نه سگ را بدان ** که نگیرد صید از همسایگان
The mob, which slays the oppressed and worships the oppressor—their dog (carnal soul) sprang forth from ambush (and rushed) towards David.
عامهی مظلومکش ظالمپرست ** از کمین سگشان سوی داود جست
That party (of the people) turned their faces to David, saying, “O chosen prophet, who hast compassion on us,2440
روی در داود کردند آن فریق ** کای نبی مجتبی بر ما شفیق
This is unworthy of thee, for this is a manifest injustice: thou hast abased an innocent man for naught.”
این نشاید از تو کین ظلمیست فاش ** قهر کردی بیگناهی را بلاش
How David, on whom be peace, resolved to summon the people to a certain plain, in older that he might disclose the mystery and make an end of all arguments.
عزم کردن داود علیه السلام به خواندن خلق بدان صحرا کی راز آشکارا کند و حجتها را همه قطع کند
He said, “O friends, the time has come that his hidden secret should he displayed.
گفت ای یاران زمان آن رسید ** کان سر مکتوم او گردد پدید
Arise,all(of you), that we may go forth, so that we may be come acquainted with that hidden secret.
جمله برخیزید تا بیرون رویم ** تا بر آن سر نهان واقف شویم
In such and such a plain there is a huge tree, its boughs dense and numerous and curved.
در فلان صحرا درختی هست زفت ** شاخهااش انبه و بسیار و چفت