- Believe them—they are the lamps of darkness; honour them— they are the keys of hope.
- صدقوهم هم مصابیح الدجی ** اکرموهم هم مفاتیح الرجا
- Believe those who hope not for your bounty; do not go astray, do not turn others away (from the Truth).
- صدقوا من لیس یرجو خیرکم ** لا تضلوا لا تصدوا غیرکم
- Let us speak Persian: come, abandon Arabic. Be the Hindú (slave) of that Turcoman (the Divine Beloved), O (man of) water and clay.
- پارسی گوییم هین تازی بهل ** هندوی آن ترک باش ای آب و گل
- Hark, listen to the testimonies of the (spiritual) kings; the heavens have believed (them): believe ye! 2840
- هین گواهیهای شاهان بشنوید ** بگرویدند آسمانها بگروید
- The meaning of prudence, and a parable of the prudent man.
- معنی حزم و مثال مرد حازم
- Either consider what happened to the former (peoples), or fly with a (great) prudence towards the latter end.
- یا به حال اولینان بنگرید ** یا سوی آخر بحزمی در پرید
- What is prudence? Precaution in (the case of) two (alternative) plans: of the two you will take that one which is far from craziness.
- حزم چه بود در دو تدبیر احتیاط ** از دو آن گیری که دورست از خباط
- One person may say, “On this road there is no water for seven days, and there is foot-scorching sand.”
- آن یکی گوید درین ره هفت روز ** نیست آب و هست ریگ پایسوز
- Another may say, “This is false: push on, for you will find a running fountain every night.”
- آن دگر گوید دروغست این بران ** که بهر شب چشمهای بینی روان
- It is prudence that you take water (with you), so that you may be saved from dread and may be on the right (side). 2845
- حزم آن باشد که بر گیری تو آب ** تا رهی از ترس و باشی بر صواب
- If there be water (on the road), spill this (water which you have taken with you); and if there be none, alas for the obstinate man!
- گر بود در راه آب این را بریز ** ور نباشد وای بر مرد ستیز
- O children of the Vicegerent (Adam), deal justly: act with prudence for the sake of the Day of Tryst (Judgement).
- ای خلیفهزادگان دادی کنید ** حزم بهر روز میعادی کنید
- That enemy who took vengeance upon your father and dragged him from ‘Illiyyín to prison,
- آن عدوی کز پدرتان کین کشید ** سوی زندانش ز علیین کشید
- And checkmated that king of the spiritual chessboard and made him, (cast out) from Paradise, a thrall to calamities—
- آن شه شطرنج دل را مات کرد ** از بهشتش سخرهی آفات کرد
- How often in combat did he seize him by sleight, that he might wrestle with him and throw him (to the ground) in disgrace! 2850
- چند جا بندش گرفت اندر نبرد ** تا بکشتی در فکندش رویزرد
- Thus hath he done to that paladin (Adam): do not regard him with contempt, O ye others!
- اینچنین کردست با آن پهلوان ** سست سستش منگرید ای دیگران
- That envious one nimbly snatched away our mother's and father's crown and ornament.
- مادر و بابای ما را آن حسود ** تاج و پیرایه بچالاکی ربود
- There he made them naked and wretched and despicable: (many) years did Adam weep bitterly,
- کردشان آنجا برهنه و زار و خوار ** سالها بگریست آدم زار زار
- So that (sweet) herbs grew from the tears of his eyes: (he wept, wondering) why he was inscribed in the scroll of lá (negation).
- که ز اشک چشم او رویید نبت ** که چرا اندر جریدهی لاست ثبت
- Judge thou of his (the Devil's) impudent cheatery from the fact that on account of him such a prince (as Adam) rends his beard (in sorrow). 2855
- تو قیاسی گیر طراریش را ** که چنان سرور کند زو ریش را
- Beware, O clay-worshippers, of his malice: smite the sword of lá hawl on his head!
- الحذر ای گلپرستان از شرش ** تیغ لا حولی زنید اندر سرش
- For he sees you from ambush, so that ye see him not. Take care!
- کو همیبیند شما را از کمین ** که شما او را نمیبینید هین
- The fowler scatters grain incessantly: the grain is visible, but the deceit is hidden.
- دایما صیاد ریزد دانهها ** دانه پیدا باشد و پنهان دغا
- Wherever you see the grain, beware, lest the trap confine your wings and pinions,
- هر کجا دانه بدیدی الحذر ** تا نبندد دام بر تو بال و پر
- Because the bird that takes leave of (relinquishes) the grain (bait), eats grain from the spacious field (of Reality) that is without imposture. 2860
- زانک مرغی کو بترک دانه کرد ** دانه از صحرای بی تزویر خورد
- With that (grain) it is contented, and escapes the trap: no trap confines its wings and pinions.
- هم بدان قانع شد و از دام جست ** هیچ دامی پر و بالش را نبست
- The banefulness of the action of the bird that abandons prudence from (motives of) greed and vain desire.
- وخامت کار آن مرغ کی ترک حزم کرد از حرص و هوا
- Again, a bird settles on a wall and fastens its eyes upon the grain in a trap.
- باز مرغی فوق دیواری نشست ** دیده سوی دانه دامی ببست
- Now it looks towards the open country, (while) now its greed leads it to look at the grain.
- یک نظر او سوی صحرا میکند ** یک نظر حرصش به دانه میکشد
- This look struggles with that look and suddenly makes it (the bird) empty of wisdom.
- این نظر با آن نظر چالیش کرد ** ناگهانی از خرد خالیش کرد
- Again, a bird that has abandoned that vacillation turns its gaze away from that (grain) and fixes it upon the open fields. 2865
- باز مرغی کان تردد را گذاشت ** زان نظر بر کند و بر صحرا گماشت
- Glad (glistening) are its wings and pinions: how goodly it is, since it has become the leader of all the free.
- شاد پر و بال او بخا له ** تا امام جمله آزادان شد او
- Every one who makes it his model is saved and sits in the abode of security and freedom,
- هر که او را مقتدا سازد برست ** در مقام امن و آزادی نشست
- Because his heart has become the king of the prudent, so that the rosery and garden (of Paradise) has become his dwelling-place.
- زانک شاه حازمان آمد دلش ** تا گلستان و چمن شد منزلش
- Prudence is pleased with him, and he pleased with Prudence: do likewise, if you would act with foresight and resolution.
- حزم ازو راضی و او راضی ز حزم ** این چنین کن گر کنی تدبیر و عزم
- Many a time have you fallen into the snare of greed and given up your throat to be cut; 2870
- بارها در دام حرص افتادهای ** حلق خود را در بریدن دادهای
- Again He that graciously disposes (hearts) to repentance hath set you free and accepted your repentance and made you glad.
- بازت آن تواب لطف آزاد کرد ** توبه پذرفت و شما را شاد کرد
- He hath said, “If ye return thus, We will return thus: We have wedded the actions to the retribution.
- گفت ان عدتم کذا عدنا کذا ** نحن زوجنا الفعال بالجزا
- When I bring one mate to Myself, the other mate inevitably comes running (after it).
- چونک جفتی را بر خود آورم ** آید آن را جفتش دوانه لاجرم
- We have mated this action with the effect: when one mate arrives, another mate arrives.”
- جفت کردیم این عمل را با اثر ** چون رسد جفتی رسد جفتی دگر
- When a raider carries off the husband from the wife, the wife comes after him, seeking her husband. 2875
- چون رباید غارتی از جفت شوی ** جفت میآید پس او شویجوی
- Once more ye have come towards this snare and have thrown dust in the eyes of repentance.
- بار دیگر سوی این دام آمدیت ** خاک اندر دیدهی توبه زدیت
- Again that Forgiving One hath loosed that knot for you and hath said, “Beware! Flee! Set not your face in this direction!”
- بازتان تواب بگشاد از گره ** گفت هین بگریز روی این سو منه
- Again, when the mandate of forgetfulness arrived, it drew your soul towards the Fire.
- باز چون پروانهی نسیان رسید ** جانتان را جانب آتش کشید
- O you moth, do not show any forgetfulness and doubt: look once at your burnt wing!
- کم کن ای پروانه نسیان و شکی ** در پر سوزیده بنگر تو یکی
- Since you are saved, the thanksgiving is this, that you should have no inclination towards that grain, 2880
- چون رهیدی شکر آن باشد که هیچ ** سوی آن دانه نداری پیچ پیچ
- In order that, when you say thanks, He may bestow on you the daily bread that is without snare and without fear of the enemy.
- تا ترا چون شکر گویی بخشد او ** روزیی بی دام و بی خوف عدو
- In thanksgiving for the bounty shown in setting you free, it behoves you to commemorate the bounty of God.
- شکر آن نعمت کهتان آزاد کرد ** نعمت حق را بباید یاد کرد
- How oft in sorrows and in tribulation have you cried, “O God, deliver me from the snare,
- چند اندر رنجها و در بلا ** گفتی از دامم رها ده ای خدا
- That I may do suchlike service (to Thee) and practise beneficence and throw dust in the eyes of the Devil!”
- تا چنین خدمت کنم احسان کنم ** خاک اندر دیدهی شیطان زنم
- Story of the vow made by the dogs every winter that when next summer comes they will build a house for the winter.
- حکایت نذر کردن سگان هر زمستان کی این تابستان چون بیاید خانه سازیم از بهر زمستان را
- In winter the bones of the dog are drawn together: the blows of the frost make him so small 2885
- سگ زمستان جمع گردد استخوانش ** زخم سرما خرد گرداند چنانش
- That he says, “Having such a little body, I must build a stone house.
- کو بگوید کین قدر تن که منم ** خانهای از سنگ باید کردنم