They (the Israelites) had a greed for the inaccessible countenance, since Man is greedy for that which has been forbidden.
بودشان حرص لقای ممتنع ** چون حریصست آدمی فیما منع
How they summoned the Israelites to the maydán, as a device to prevent the begetting ofMoses, on whom be peace.
به میدان خواندن بنی اسرائیل برای حیلهی ولادت موسی علیه السلام
“O captives, go ye to the maydán, for there is hope (for you) of seeing (Pharaoh) and (experiencing) munificence from the King of kings.”855
ای اسیران سوی میدانگه روید ** کز شهانشه دیدن و جودست امید
When the Israelites heard the glad news, they were thirsting and longing exceedingly for that (spectacle).
چون شنیدند مژده اسرائیلیان ** تشنگان بودند و بس مشتاق آن
They swallowed the trick and hastened in that direction and made themselves ready for the (promised) unveiling.
حیله را خوردند و آن سو تاختند ** خویشتن را بهر جلوه ساختند
(’Twas) even as (when) here the crafty Moghul said, “I am seeking a certain one of the Egyptians.
همچنان کاینجا مغول حیلهدان ** گفت میجویم کسی از مصریان
Bring the Egyptians together on this side, in order that he who is wanted may come to hand.”
مصریان را جمع آرید این طرف ** تا در آید آنک میباید بکف
Whenever any one came, he said, “’Tis not this one: oh, come in, sir, and sit in that corner,”860
هر که میآمد بگفتا نیست این ** هین در آ خواجه در آن گوشه نشین
Till in this fashion they all were assembled, and they (the Moghuls) beheaded them by means of this trick.
تا بدین شیوه همه جمع آمدند ** گردن ایشان بدین حیلت زدند
(Through) the ill-starredness (which they incurred in consequence) of the fact that they would not obey God's summoner (and turn submissively) towards the call to prayer,
شومی آنک سوی بانگ نماز ** داعی الله را نبردندی نیاز
The invitation of the deceiver inveigled them. O righteous man, beware of the deceit of the Devil!
دعوت مکارشان اندر کشید ** الحذر از مکر شیطان ای رشید
Hearken to the cry of the poor and needy, lest thine ear receive (with approval) the cry of a cunning rogue.
بانگ درویشان و محتاجان بنوش ** تا نگیرد بانگ محتالیت گوش
(Even) if the beggars (dervishes) are covetous and depraved, (yet) seek the man of heart (the spiritual man) amongst the gluttons.865
گر گدایان طامعاند و زشتخو ** در شکمخواران تو صاحبدل بجو
At the bottom of the sea there are pearls (mingled) with pebbles: glories are (to be found) amidst shames.
در تگ دریا گهر با سنگهاست ** فخرها اندر میان ننگهاست
The Israelites, then, bestirred themselves mightily, running betimes towards the maydán.
پس بجوشیدند اسرائیلیان ** از پگه تا جانب میدان دوان
When he (Pharaoh) by cunning had brought them into the maydán, he displayed his face to them, looking very fresh (cheerful and gay).
چون بحیلتشان به میدان برد او ** روی خود ننمودشان بس تازهرو
He showed fondness and gave presents: that Emperor bestowed both gifts and promises.
کرد دلداری و بخششها بداد ** هم عطا هم وعدهها کرد آن قباد
After that, he said: “For your lives' sake, do ye all sleep in the maydán tonight!”870
بعد از آن گفت از برای جانتان ** جمله در میدان بخسپید امشبان
They answered him, saying, “We will do service (to thee): if thou desire, we will dwell here a month.”
پاسخش دادند که خدمت کنیم ** گر تو خواهی یک مه اینجا ساکنیم
How Pharaoh returned from the maydán to the city, glad at having parted the Israelites from their wives on the night of the conception (of Moses).
بازگشتن فرعون از میدان به شهر شاد بتفریق بنی اسرائیل از زنانشان در شب حمل
At nightfall the King came back (to the city), rejoicing and saying (to himself), “The conception is to-night, and they are far from their wives.”
شه شبانگه باز آمد شادمان ** کامشبان حملست و دورند از زنان
‘Imrán, his treasurer, also came to the city in attendance upon him as his companion.
خازنش عمران هم اندر خدمتش ** هم به شهر آمد قرین صحبتش
He said, “O ‘Imrán, do thou sleep at this door. Beware! go not to thy wife or seek to lie with her.”
گفت ای عمران برین در خسپ تو ** هین مرو سوی زن و صحبت مجو
He replied, “I will sleep at this portal of thine; I will think of naught but thy pleasure.”875
گفت خسپم هم برین درگاه تو ** هیچ نندیشم بجز دلخواه تو
‘Imrán, too, was one of the Israelites, but he was (dear as) heart and soul to Pharaoh.
بود عمران هم ز اسرائیلیان ** لیک مر فرعون را دل بود و جان
How should he (Pharaoh) have thought that he (‘Imrán) would disobey (Pharaoh's orders) and do that which (was) the dread of Pharaoh's soul?
کی گمان بردی که او عصیان کند ** آنک خوف جان فرعون آن کند
How ‘Imrán lay with the mother of Moses and how the mother of Moses, on him be peace, became pregnant.
جمع آمدن عمران به مادر موسی و حامله شدن مادر موسی علیهالسلام
The King departed, and he (‘Imrán) slept at the door; at midnight his wife came to see him.
شب برفت و او بر آن درگاه خفت ** نیمشب آمد پی دیدنش جفت
The wife fell upon him and kissed his lips: she roused him from his slumber in the night.
زن برو افتاد و بوسید آن لبش ** بر جهانیدش ز خواب اندر شبش
He awoke and saw that his wife was fair and that she rained kisses from her lips upon his.880
گشت بیدار او و زن را دید خوش ** بوسه باران کرده از لب بر لبش
‘Imrán said, “How didst thou come at this time?” She said, “From desire (of thee) and from the Divine ordinance.”
گفت عمران این زمان چون آمدی ** گفت از شوق و قضای ایزدی
The man drew her lovingly into his arms; at that moment he did not rise to (did not engage in) battle with himself.
در کشیدش در کنار از مهر مرد ** بر نیامد با خود آن دم در نبرد
Concubuit cum ea et depositum (semen) tradidit; then he said, “O wife, this is not a small matter.
جفت شد با او امانت را سپرد ** پس بگفت ای زن نه این کاریست خرد
A steel struck upon the stone, and a fire was born—a fire that shall take vengeance on the King and his empire.
آهنی بر سنگ زد زاد آتشی ** آتشی از شاه و ملکش کینکشی
I am as the cloud, thou the earth, and Moses the plant. God is (as) the king on the chessboard, and we are checkmated, checkmated.885
من چو ابرم تو زمین موسی نبات ** حق شه شطرنج و ما ماتیم مات
Deem (both) checkmate and victory (to proceed) from the King, O spouse: do not deem them to be from us, do not jeer at us.
مات و برد از شاه میدان ای عروس ** آن مدان از ما مکن بر ما فسوس
That of which this Pharaoh is afraid came into being at the moment when I lay with thee.
آنچ این فرعون میترسد ازو ** هست شد این دم که گشتم جفت تو
How after having lain with her ‘Imrán charged his wife to pretend that she had not visited him.
وصیت کردن عمران جفت خود را بعد از مجامعت کی مرا ندیده باشی
Do not reveal aught of these things, do not breathe a word, lest there come upon me and thee a hundred sorrows.
وا مگردان هیچ ازینها دم مزن ** تا نیاید بر من و تو صد حزن
In the end the effects of this will be made manifest, forasmuch as the signs have (already) appeared, O beloved.”
عاقبت پیدا شود آثار این ** چون علامتها رسید ای نازنین
Forthwith from the direction of the maydán loud cries were (heard) coming from the people, and the air was filled (with noise).890
در زمان از سوی میدان نعرهها ** میرسید از خلق و پر میشد هوا
Thereupon the King, in terror, sprang forth bare-footed (from his chamber), saying, “Hark, what are these tumults?
شاه از آن هیبت برون جست آن زمان ** پابرهنه کین چه غلغلهاست هان
What is the noise and uproar from the direction of the maydán, in fear whereof genie and demon are fleeing in dismay?”
از سوی میدان چه بانگست و غریو ** کز نهیبش میرمد جنی و دیو
‘Imrán said, “May our King live (long)! The people of Israel are rejoicing on account of thee.
گفت عمران شاه ما را عمر باد ** قوم اسرائیلیانند از تو شاد
Because of the bounty of the King they are making merry and dancing and clapping their hands.”
از عطای شاه شادی میکنند ** رقص میآرند و کفها میزنند
He (Pharaoh) said, “Maybe it is this, but it makes me very suspicious and anxious.895
گفت باشد کین بود اما ولیک ** وهم و اندیشه مرا پر کرد نیک
How Pharaoh was frightened by the noise.
ترسیدن فرعون از آن بانگ
This sound hath marred my soul and aged me with bitter pain and grief.”
این صدا جان مرا تغییر کرد ** از غم و اندوه تلخم پیر کرد
The King was pacing to and fro, all night he was even as a woman in the hour of childbirth.
پیش میآمد سپس میرفت شه ** جمله شب او همچو حامل وقت زه
Every moment he would say, “O ‘Imrán, these clamours have upset me mightily.”
هر زمان میگفت ای عمران مرا ** سخت از جا برده است این نعرهها
Poor ‘Imrán had not the courage to relate his intercourse with his wife,
زهره نه عمران مسکین را که تا ** باز گوید اختلاط جفت را
How the wife of ‘Imrán had stolen to his side, so that the star of Moses appeared.900
که زن عمران به عمران در خزید ** تا که شد استارهی موسی پدید
Whenever any prophet enters into the womb, his star becomes conspicuous in the sky.
هر پیمبر که در آید در رحم ** نجم او بر چرخ گردد منتجم
The appearance of the star of Moses, on whom be peace, in the sky and the outcry of the astrologers in the maydán.
پیدا شدن استارهی موسی علیه السلام بر آسمان و غریو منجمان در میدان
His star appeared in the sky, to the confusion of Pharaoh and his plots and devices.
بر فلک پیدا شد آن استارهاش ** کوری فرعون و مکر و چارهاش
Day broke: he (Pharaoh) said to him (‘Imrán), “O ‘Imrán, go, inform thyself concerning that uproar and noise.”
روز شد گفتش که ای عمران برو ** واقف آن غلغل و آن بانگ شو