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  • کودک بیمارم و از ضعف خود  ** کردم اینجا احتیاط و مرتقد 
  • I am a sick boy and because of my weakness I took precautions and made here a place to lie down.”
  • گفت اگر داری ز رنجوری تفی  ** چون نرفتی جانب دار الشفا 
  • He replied, “If you are ill with a fever, why didn't you go to the hospital
  • یا به خانه‌ی یک طبیبی مشفقی  ** که گشادی از سقامت مغلقی 
  • Or to the house of a kindly physician, in order that he might relieve you of your malady?”
  • گفت آخر من کجا دانم شدن  ** که بهرجا می‌روم من ممتحن 
  • “Why,” said he, “where can I go? for wherever I go, persecuted (as I am),
  • چون تو زندیقی پلیدی ملحدی  ** می بر آرد سر به پیشم چون ددی  3855
  • Some foul ungodly miscreant like you springs up before me like a wild beast.
  • خانقاهی که بود بهتر مکان  ** من ندیدم یک دمی در وی امان 
  • The dervish-convent, which is the best place—not (even) there do I find safety for one moment.
  • رو به من آرند مشتی حمزه‌خوار  ** چشم‌ها پر نطفه کف خایه‌فشار 
  • A handful of (greedy) pottage-eaters direct their looks at me: oculi semine impleti dum pressant manibus testiculos; [A handful of (greedy) pottage-eaters direct their looks at me: (their) eyes full of sperm (while their) hands (are) squeezing their testicles;]
  • وانک ناموسیست خود از زیر زیر  ** غمزه دزدد می‌دهد مالش به کیر 
  • And even he that has regard for decorum steals covert glances et penem fricat. [And even he that has regard for decorum steals covert glances (while) rubbing (his) penis.]
  • خانقه چون این بود بازار عام  ** چون بود خر گله و دیوان خام 
  • Since the convent is (like) this, what must the public market be like? A herd of asses and boorish devils!
  • خر کجا ناموس و تقوی از کجا  ** خر چه داند خشیت و خوف و رجا  3860
  • What has an ass to do with decorum and piety? How should an ass know (anything about) reverence and fear and hope?