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  • و آن امیران دگر اتباع تو ** کرد عیسی جمله را اشیاع تو
  • And those other amírs are thy followers: Jesus hath made all of them thy assistants.
  • هر امیری کو کشید گردن بگیر ** یا بکش یا خود همی‌‌دارش اسیر
  • Any amír who lifts his neck (in rebellion), seize him and either kill him or hold him captive;
  • لیک تا من زنده‌‌ام این وامگو ** تا نمیرم این ریاست را مجو
  • But do not declare this whilst I am alive: do not seek this supreme authority until I am dead.
  • تا نمیرم من تو این پیدا مکن ** دعوی شاهی و استیلا مکن‌‌ 655
  • Until I am dead, do not reveal this: do not lay claim to sovereignty and dominion.
  • اینک این طومار و احکام مسیح ** یک به یک بر خوان تو بر امت فصیح‌‌
  • Here is this scroll and the ordinances of the Messiah: recite them distinctly, one by one, to his people.”
  • هر امیری را چنین گفت او جدا ** نیست نایب جز تو در دین خدا
  • Thus he spoke to each amír separately, (saying), “There is no vicar in the religion of God except thee.”
  • هر یکی را کرد او یک یک عزیز ** هر چه آن را گفت این را گفت نیز
  • He honoured each, one by one, (in this way): whatever he said to that (amír) he also said to this.
  • هر یکی را او یکی طومار داد ** هر یکی ضد دگر بود المراد
  • To each he gave one scroll: every one was purposely the contrary of the other.
  • جملگی طومارها بد مختلف ** چون حروف آن جمله از یا تا الف‌‌ 660
  • The text of those scrolls was diverse; all were (different), like the letters from alif to yá.
  • حکم این طومار ضد حکم آن ** پیش از این کردیم این ضد را بیان‌‌
  • The rule (laid down) in this scroll was contrary to the rule in that: we have already explained (the nature of) this contradiction.
  • کشتن وزیر خویشتن را در خلوت
  • How the vizier killed himself in seclusion.
  • بعد از آن چل روز دیگر در ببست ** خویش کشت و از وجود خود برست‌‌
  • After that, he shut the door for other forty days (and then) killed himself and escaped from his existence.
  • چون که خلق از مرگ او آگاه شد ** بر سر گورش قیامت‌‌گاه شد
  • When the people learned of his death, there came to pass at his grave the scene of the Resurrection.
  • خلق چندان جمع شد بر گور او ** موکنان جامه دران در شور او
  • So great a multitude gathered at his grave, tearing their hair, rending their garments in wild grief for him,
  • کان عدد را هم خدا داند شمرد ** از عرب وز ترک و از رومی و کرد 665
  • That only God can reckon the number of them—Arabs and Turks and Greeks and Kurds.
  • خاک او کردند بر سرهای خویش ** درد او دیدند درمان جای خویش‌‌
  • They put his (grave's) earth on their heads; they deemed anguish for him to be the remedy for themselves.
  • آن خلایق بر سر گورش مهی ** کرده خون را از دو چشم خود رهی‌‌
  • During a month those multitudes over his grave made a way for blood from their eyes (shed tears of anguish).
  • طلب کردن امت عیسی علیه السلام از امرا که ولی عهد از شما کدام است
  • How the people of Jesus—on him be peace!—asked the amírs, “Which one of you is the successor?”
  • بعد ماهی خلق گفتند ای مهان ** از امیران کیست بر جایش نشان‌‌
  • After a month the people said, “O chiefs, which of (the) amírs is designated in his place,
  • تا به جای او شناسیمش امام ** دست و دامن را بدست او دهیم‌‌
  • That we may acknowledge him as our religious leader instead of him (the vizier), and give our hands and skirts into his hand?
  • چون که شد خورشید و ما را کرد داغ ** چاره نبود بر مقامش از چراغ‌‌ 670
  • Since the sun is gone and has branded us (left the brand of sorrow in our hearts), is not a lamp the (only) resource in his stead?
  • چون که شد از پیش دیده وصل یار ** نایبی باید از او مان یادگار
  • Since union with the beloved has vanished from before our eyes, we must needs have a vicar as a memorial of him (i.e. one who will recall him to our memory).
  • چون که گل بگذشت و گلشن شد خراب ** بوی گل را از که یابیم از گلاب‌‌
  • Since the rose is past and the garden ravaged, from whom shall we get the perfume of the rose? From rosewater.”
  • چون خدا اندر نیاید در عیان ** نایب حق‌‌اند این پیغمبران‌‌
  • Inasmuch as God comes not into sight, these prophets are the vicars of God.
  • نه غلط گفتم که نایب با منوب ** گر دو پنداری قبیح آید نه خوب‌‌
  • Nay, I have said (this) wrongly; for if you suppose that the vicar and He who is represented by the vicar are two, it (such a thought) is bad, not good.
  • نه دو باشد تا تویی صورت پرست ** پیش او یک گشت کز صورت برست‌‌ 675
  • Nay; they are two so long as you are a worshipper of form, (but) they have become one to him who has escaped from (consciousness of) form.
  • چون به صورت بنگری چشم تو دست ** تو به نورش درنگر کز چشم رست‌‌
  • When you look at the form, your eye is two; look at its (the eye's) light, which grew from the eye.