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  • دیده آ بر دیگران نوحه‏گری ** مدتی بنشین و بر خود می‏گری‏
  • O eye, thou makest lament for others: sit down awhile and weep for thyself!
  • ز ابر گریان شاخ سبز و تر شود ** ز آنکه شمع از گریه روشن‏تر شود 480
  • The bough is made green and fresh by the weeping cloud, for the (same) reason that the candle is made brighter by (its) weeping.
  • هر کجا نوحه کنند آن جا نشین ** ز آنکه تو اولیتری اندر حنین‏
  • Wheresoever people are lamenting, sit you there (and lament), because you have a better right to moan (than they have),
  • ز آن که ایشان در فراق فانی‏اند ** غافل از لعل بقای کانی‏اند
  • Inasmuch as they are (concerned) with parting from that which passes away, and are forgetful of the ruby of everlasting-ness that belongs to the mine (of Reality);
  • ز آن که بر دل نقش تقلید است بند ** رو به آب چشم بندش را برند
  • Inasmuch as the stamp of blind imitation is (as) a lock upon the heart;-go, scrape off (dissolve) its lock with tears-;
  • ز آن که تقلید آفت هر نیکویی است ** که بود تقلید اگر کوه قوی است‏
  • Inasmuch as imitation is the bane of every good quality; imitation is (but) a straw, (even) if it is a mighty mountain.
  • گر ضریری لمترست و تیز خشم ** گوشت پاره‏ش دان چو او را نیست چشم‏ 485
  • If a blind man is big and choleric, deem him (only) a piece of flesh, since he has no eye (eye-sight).
  • گر سخن گوید ز مو باریکتر ** آن سرش را ز آن سخن نبود خبر
  • Though he (the blind imitator) speak words finer than a hair, his heart has no knowledge of these words.
  • مستیی دارد ز گفت خود و لیک ** از بر وی تا به می راهی است نیک‏
  • He has a certain intoxication from his own words, but there is a good way (distance) between him and the Wine.
  • همچو جوی است او نه او آبی خورد ** آب از او بر آب خواران بگذرد
  • He is like a river-bed: it does not drink any water; the water passes through it to the water-drinkers.
  • آب در جو ز آن نمی‏گیرد قرار ** ز آن که آن جو نیست تشنه و آب خوار
  • The water does not settle in the river-bed because the river-bed is not thirsty and water-drinking.
  • همچو نایی ناله‏ی زاری کند ** لیک بیگار خریداری کند 490
  • Like a reed-flute, he makes a piteous lament, but he (only) seeks a purchaser (admirer).
  • نوحه‏گر باشد مقلد در حدیث ** جز طمع نبود مراد آن خبیث‏
  • The imitator in his discourse is (like) a professional mourner: that wicked man has no motive except cupidity.
  • نوحه‏گر گوید حدیث سوزناک ** لیک کو سوز دل و دامان چاک‏
  • The professional mourner utters burning words (of grief), but where is the glow of heart (heartfelt sorrow) and the rent skirt?
  • از محقق تا مقلد فرق‏هاست ** کاین چو داود است و آن دیگر صداست‏
  • Between the true knower and the blind imitator there are (great) differences, for the former is like David, while the other is (but) an echo.
  • منبع گفتار این سوزی بود ** و آن مقلد کهنه آموزی بود
  • The source of the former’s words is a glow (of feeling), whereas the imitator is one who learns old things (by rote).
  • هین مشو غره بدان گفت حزین ** بار بر گاو است و بر گردون حنین‏ 495
  • Beware! Be not duped by those sorrowful words” the ox bears the load, but it is the cart that moans (creaks).
  • هم مقلد نیست محروم از ثواب ** نوحه‏گر را مزد باشد در حساب‏
  • Even the imitator is not disappointed of the (Divine) recompense: the professional mourner gets his wages at the (time of) reckoning.
  • کافر و مومن خدا گویند لیک ** در میان هر دو فرقی هست نیک‏
  • (Both) infidel and true believer say “God,” but there is a good difference between the two.
  • آن گدا گوید خدا از بهر نان ** متقی گوید خدا از عین جان‏
  • The beggar says “God” for the sake of bread; the devout man says “God” from his soul.
  • گر بدانستی گدا از گفت خویش ** پیش چشم او نه کم ماندی نه پیش‏
  • If the beggar distinguished (God as He really is) from his own saying (the name of God), neither less nor more would remain before his eye.
  • سالها گوید خدا آن نان خواه ** همچو خر مصحف کشد از بهر کاه‏ 500
  • For years that bread-seeker says “god”; like the ass, he carries the Qur’án for the sake of (being fed with) straw.
  • گر بدل در تافتی گفت لبش ** ذره ذره گشته بودی قالبش‏
  • Had the word on his lips shone forth in his heart, his body would have been shivered to atoms.
  • نام دیوی ره برد در ساحری ** تو به نام حق پشیزی می‏بری‏
  • In sorcery the name of a demon finds the way (to success); you are earning a petty coin by means of the Name of God.
  • خاریدن روستایی در تاریکی شیر را به گمان آن که گاو اوست
  • How a peasant stroked a lion in the dark, because he thought it was his ox.
  • روستایی گاو در آخر ببست ** شیر گاوش خورد و بر جایش نشست‏
  • A peasant tied an ox in the stable: a lion ate his ox and sat in its place.