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  • در میان همدگر مردانه‌اند ** در غزا چون عورتان خانه‌اند
  • Amongst one another they are manly, (but) in a warlike expedition they are as the women of the house.”
  • گفت پیغامبر سپهدار غیوب ** لا شجاعة یا فتی قبل الحروب
  • The Prophet; the commander-in-chief of the things unseen, said, “There is no bravery, O youth, before the battles.”
  • وقت لاف غزو مستان کف کنند ** وقت جوش جنگ چون کف بی‌فنند 4005
  • The drunken make a froth when there is talk of war, (but) when war is raging they are as unskilled (useless) as froth.
  • وقت ذکر غزو شمشیرش دراز ** وقت کر و فر تیغش چون پیاز
  • At the time when war is spoken Of, his (such a one’s) scimitar is long (drawn and extended); at the time of combat his sword is (sheathed) like an onion.
  • وقت اندیشه دل او زخم‌جو ** پس به یک سوزن تهی شد خیک او
  • At the time of premeditation his heart is eager for wounds; then (in action) his bag is emptied (of air) by a single needle.
  • من عجب دارم ز جویای صفا ** کو رمد در وقت صیقل از جفا
  • I marvel at the seeker of purity who at the time of polishing shrinks from being handled roughly.
  • عشق چون دعوی جفا دیدن گواه ** چون گواهت نیست شد دعوی تباه
  • Love is like the lawsuit; to suffer harsh treatment is (like) the evidence: when you have no evidence, the lawsuit is lost.
  • چون گواهت خواهد این قاضی مرنج ** بوسه ده بر مار تا یابی تو گنج 4010
  • Do not be aggrieved when this Judge demands your evidence: kiss the snake in order that you may gain the treasure.
  • آن جفا با تو نباشد ای پسر ** بلک با وصف بدی اندر تو در
  • That harshness is not towards you, O son; nay, towards the evil qualities within you.
  • بر نمد چوبی که آن را مرد زد ** بر نمد آن را نزد بر گرد زد
  • The blows of the stick with which a man beats a rug he inflicts, not on the rug, but on the dust (in the rug).
  • گر بزد مر اسپ را آن کینه کش ** آن نزد بر اسپ زد بر سکسکش
  • If that vindictive fellow lashes the horse, he directs the blows, not at the horse, but at its stumbling,
  • تا ز سکسک وا رهد خوش‌پی شود ** شیره را زندان کنی تا می‌شود
  • In order that it may be delivered from (the vice of) stumbling and may move well: you imprison must (in the vat) in order that it may become wine.
  • گفت چندان آن یتیمک را زدی ** چون نترسیدی ز قهر ایزدی 4015
  • He (some one) said, “Thou hast struck that little orphan so many blows: how wert not thou afraid of the Divine wrath?”
  • گفت او را کی زدم ای جان و دوست ** من بر آن دیوی زدم کو اندروست
  • He (the striker) said, “O (dear) soul and friend, when did I strike him? I struck at the devil that is in him,”
  • مادر ار گوید ترا مرگ تو باد ** مرگ آن خو خواهد و مرگ فساد
  • If your mother say to you, “Mayst thou die!” she wishes the death of that (evil) nature (of yours) and the death of iniquity.
  • آن گروهی کز ادب بگریختند ** آب مردی و آب مردان ریختند
  • The folk who fled from correction dishonoured’ their (own) manhood and (true) men.
  • عاذلانشان از وغا وا راندند ** تا چنین حیز و مخنث ماندند
  • The railers drove them back from the war, so that they remained so infamous and effeminate.
  • لاف و غره‌ی ژاژخا را کم شنو ** با چنینها در صف هیجا مرو 4020
  • Do not thou hearken to the boasting and roaring of the driveller: do not go into the battle-line with such fellows.
  • زانک زاد و کم خبالا گفت حق ** کز رفاق سست برگردان ورق
  • Since they would have added to you (naught but) corruption, God said, “Turn the leaf (avert yourself) from pusillanimous comrades,
  • که گر ایشان با شما همره شوند ** غازیان بی‌مغز همچون که شوند
  • For if they go along with you, the warriors will become pith- less, like straw.
  • خویشتن را با شما هم‌صف کنند ** پس گریزند و دل صف بشکنند
  • They put themselves in line with you (on the field of battle); then they flee and break the heart of the line.
  • پس سپاهی اندکی بی این نفر ** به که با اهل نفاق آید حشر
  • Therefore, better a little army without these persons than (that) it should be mustered (reinforced) with the Hypocrites.”
  • هست بادام کم خوش بیخته ** به ز بسیاری به تلخ آمیخته 4025
  • A few well-sifted almonds are better than a great many (sweet ones) mixed with bitter..
  • تلخ و شیرین در ژغاژغ یک شی‌اند ** نقص از آن افتاد که همدل نیند
  • The bitter and the sweet are one thing (alike) in respect of rattling (against each other, when poured out); the defect arises from their not being the same at heart.
  • گبر ترسان دل بود کو از گمان ** می‌زید در شک ز حال آن جهان
  • The infidel is of timorous heart, for, (judging) from opinion, he lives in doubt as to the state of that (the other) world.