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  • آنچ در ده سال خواهد آمدن ** این زمان بیند به چشم خویشتن
  • He (such a one) sees with his own eye at the present moment that which will come to pass in ten years.
  • هم‌چنین هر کس به اندازه‌ی نظر ** غیب و مستقبل ببیند خیر وشر
  • Similarly, every one sees the unseen and the future, (both) good and evil, according to the measure of his insight.
  • چونک سد پیش و سد پس نماند ** شد گذاره چشم و لوح غیب خواند
  • When the barrier in front and the barrier behind are removed, the eye penetrates and reads the tablet of the Unseen.
  • چون نظر پس کرد تا بدو وجود ** ماجرا و آغاز هستی رو نمود 2905
  • When he (such a one) looks back to the origin of existence, the past circumstances and beginning of existence display themselves (to him)—
  • بحث املاک زمین با کبریا ** در خلیفه کردن بابای ما
  • (Namely), the disputation of the terrestrial angels with the (Divine) Majesty as to making our Father (Adam) the Vicegerent.
  • چون نظر در پیش افکند او بدید ** آنچ خواهد بود تا محشر پدید
  • When he casts his eye forward he sees plainly that which shall be (all that shall come to pass) till the (Last) Congregation.
  • پس ز پس می‌بیند او تا اصل اصل ** پیش می‌بیند عیان تا روز فصل
  • Therefore he sees back to the root of the root (the primal origin), and he sees forward clairvoyantly to the Day of Decision.
  • هر کسی اندازه‌ی روشن‌دلی ** غیب را بیند به قدر صیقلی
  • Every one, according to the measure of his spiritual enlightenment, sees the things unseen in proportion to the polishing (of the heart's mirror).
  • هر که صیقل بیش کرد او بیش دید ** بیشتر آمد برو صورت پدید 2910
  • The more he polishes, the more he sees and the more visible does the form (of things unseen) become to him.
  • گر تو گویی کان صفا فضل خداست ** نیز این توفیق صیقل زان عطاست
  • If you say that that (spiritual) purity is (bestowed by) the grace of God, this success in polishing (the heart) is also (derived) from that (Divine) bounty.
  • قدر همت باشد آن جهد و دعا ** لیس للانسان الا ما سعی
  • That (devotional) work and prayer is in proportion to the (worshipper's) aspiration: Man hath nothing but what he hath striven after.
  • واهب همت خداوندست و بس ** همت شاهی ندارد هیچ خس
  • God alone is the giver of aspiration: no base churl aspires to be a king.
  • نیست تخصیص خدا کس را به کار ** مانع طوع و مراد و اختیار
  • God's assignment of a particular lot to any one does not hinder (him from exercising) consent and will and choice;
  • لیک چون رنجی دهد بدبخت را ** او گریزاند به کفران رخت را 2915
  • But when He brings some trouble on an ill-fated man, he (that man) ungratefully packs off in flight;
  • نیکبختی را چو حق رنجی دهد ** رخت را نزدیکتر وا می‌نهد
  • (Whereas), when God brings some trouble on a good-fortuned (blessed) man, he always (approaches and) abides nearer (to God).
  • بددلان از بیم جان در کارزار ** کرده اسباب هزیمت اختیار
  • In battle the pusillanimous from fear for their lives have chosen the means (resource) of flight,
  • پردلان در جنگ هم از بیم جان ** حمله کرده سوی صف دشمنان
  • (While) the courageous, also from fear for their lives, have charged towards the ranks of the enemy.
  • رستمان را ترس و غم وا پیش برد ** هم ز ترس آن بددل اندر خویش مرد
  • Rustams (heroes) are borne onward by (their) fear and pain; from fear, too, the man of infirm spirit dies within himself.
  • چون محک آمد بلا و بیم جان ** زان پدید آید شجاع از هر جبان 2920
  • Tribulation and fear for one's life are like a touchstone: thereby the brave man is distinguished from every coward.
  • وحی کردن حق به موسی علیه‌السلام کی ای موسی من کی خالقم تعالی ترا دوست می‌دارم
  • How God made a revelation to Moses, on whom be peace, saying, "O Moses, I who am the exalted Creator love thee."
  • گفت موسی را به وحی دل خدا ** کای گزیده دوست می‌دارم ترا
  • God spoke to Moses by inspiration of the heart, saying, “O chosen one, I love thee.”
  • گفت چه خصلت بود ای ذوالکرم ** موجب آن تا من آن افزون کنم
  • He (Moses) said, “O Bountiful One, (tell me) what disposition (in me) is the cause of that, in order that I may augment it.”
  • گفت چون طفلی به پیش والده ** وقت قهرش دست هم در وی زده
  • He (God) said, “Thou art like a child in the presence of its mother: when she chastises it, it still lays hold of her.
  • خود نداند که جز او دیار هست ** هم ازو مخمور هم از اوست مست
  • It does not even know that there is any one in the world except her: it is both afflicted with headache (sorrow) by her and intoxicated (with joy) by her.
  • مادرش گر سیلیی بر وی زند ** هم به مادر آید و بر وی تند 2925
  • If its mother give it a slap, still it comes to its mother and clings to her.
  • از کسی یاری نخواهد غیر او ** اوست جمله شر او و خیر او
  • It does not seek help from any one but her: she is all its evil and its good.