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  • وز بخیلان و ز تحشیراتشان  ** از برای خنده هم داد او نشان 
  • And about the misers and their (mean) economies—(of all this) he gave a sample for the purpose of (exciting) laughter.
  • هم‌چو آتش کرد مقراضی برون  ** می‌برید و لب پر افسانه و فسون 
  • In a flash he whipped out a pair of scissors and went on cutting while his lips were full of tales and beguiling talk.
  • مضاحک گفتن درزی و ترک را از قوت خنده بسته شدن دو چشم تنگ او و فرصت یافتن درزی 
  • How the tailor told laughable jests, and how the narrow eyes of the Turk were closed by the violence of his laughter, and how the tailor found an opportunity (to steal).
  • ترک خندیدن گرفت از داستان  ** چشم تنگش گشت بسته آن زمان 
  • The Turk began to laugh at the stories, and at that moment his narrow eyes closed.
  • پاره‌ای دزدید و کردش زیر ران  ** از جز حق از همه احیا نهان 
  • He (the tailor) filched a shred (of satin) and put it under his thigh, (where it was) hidden from all living beings except God.
  • حق همی‌دید آن ولی ستارخوست  ** لیک چون از حد بری غماز اوست  1695
  • God saw it, but He is disposed to cover up (sins); yet when you carry (them) beyond bounds He is a tell-tale.
  • ترک را از لذت افسانه‌اش  ** رفت از دل دعوی پیشانه‌اش 
  • From his delight in his (the tailor's) anecdotes the Turk's former boast went out of his head.
  • اطلس چه دعوی چه رهن چه  ** ترک سرمستست در لاغ اچی 
  • What satin? What boast? What wager? The Turk is intoxicated with the jokes of the pasha.
  • لابه کردش ترک کز بهر خدا  ** لاغ می‌گو که مرا شد مغتذا 
  • The Turk implored him, crying, ‘For God's sake go on telling jokes, for they are meat to me.’
  • گفت لاغی خندمینی آن دغا  ** که فتاد از قهقهه او بر قفا 
  • (Then) the rascal told such a ridiculous story that he (the Turk) fell on his back in an explosion of laughter.
  • پاره‌ای اطلس سبک بر نیفه زد  ** ترک غافل خوش مضاحک می‌مزد  1700
  • He (the tailor) swiftly clapped a shred of satin to the hem of his under-breeches, while the Turk was paying no attention and greedily sucking in (absorbing) the jests.
  • هم‌چنین بار سوم ترک خطا  ** گفت لاغی گوی از بهر خدا 
  • Still (continuing his entreaties), the Turk of Khitá said for the third time, ‘Tell me a joke for God's sake!’
  • گفت لاغی خندمین‌تر زان دو بار  ** کرد او این ترک را کلی شکار 
  • He (the tailor) told a story more laughable than (those which he had related) on the two previous occasions, and made this Turk entirely his prey.
  • چشم بسته عقل جسته مولهه  ** مست ترک مدعی از قهقهه 
  • His eyes shut, his reason flown, bewildered, the boastful Turk was intoxicated with guffaws.
  • پس سوم بار از قبا دزدید شاخ  ** که ز خنده‌ش یافت میدان فراخ 
  • Then for the third time he (the tailor) filched a strip from the coat (which he was cutting), since the Turk's laughter gave him ample scope (for his dexterity).
  • چون چهارم بار آن ترک خطا  ** لاغ از آن استا همی‌کرد اقتضا  1705
  • When for the fourth time the Turk of Khitá was demanding a jest from the master(-tailor),
  • رحم آمد بر وی آن استاد را  ** کرد در باقی فن و بیداد را 
  • The master took pity on him and put aside (abandoned) artfulness and injustice.
  • گفت مولع گشت این مفتون درین  ** بی‌خبر کین چه خسارست و غبین 
  • He said (to himself), ‘This infatuated man has a great desire for these (facetious tales), not knowing what a loss and swindle they are (for him).’
  • بوسه‌افشان کرد بر استاد او  ** که بمن بهر خدا افسانه گو 
  • (Nevertheless) he (the Turk) showered kisses on (the face and eyes of) the master, crying, ‘For God's sake tell me a story!’
  • ای فسانه گشته و محو از وجود  ** چند افسانه بخواهی آزمود 
  • O thou who hast become a story and (art) dead to (useful) existence, how long wilt thou wish to make trial of stories?
  • خندمین‌تر از تو هیچ افسانه نیست  ** بر لب گور خراب خویش ایست  1710
  • No story is more laughable than thou (thyself): stand (and meditate) on the edge of thine own ruinous grave!
  • ای فرو رفته به گور جهل و شک  ** چند جویی لاغ و دستان فلک 
  • O thou who hast gone down into the grave of ignorance and doubt, how long wilt thou seek (to hear) the jests and tales of Time?
  • تا بکی نوشی تو عشوه‌ی این جهان  ** که نه عقلت ماند بر قانون نه جان 
  • How long wilt thou listen to the blandishments of this world that leave neither thy mind underanged nor thy spirit?
  • لاغ این چرخ ندیم کرد و مرد  ** آب روی صد هزاران چون تو برد 
  • The jests of Time, this mean and petty boon-companion, have robbed of honour a hundred thousand like thee.
  • می‌درد می‌دوزد این درزی عام  ** جامه‌ی صدسالگان طفل خام 
  • This Universal Tailor is ever tearing and stitching the garments of a hundred travellers silly as children.
  • لاغ او گر باغها را داد داد  ** چون دی آمد داده را بر باد داد  1715
  • If his jests conferred a gift on the orchards (in spring), when December came they (his jests) gave that gift to the winds.