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  • صورت آتش بود پایان دیگ  ** معنی آتش بود در جان دیگ 
  • The form (appearance) of the fire is beneath the kettle; the spirit (reality) of the fire is in the soul of the kettle.
  • صورتش بیرون و معنیش اندرون  ** معنی معشوق جان در رگ چو خون  4400
  • Its form is outside and its spirit inside: the spirit (real nature) of the soul's Beloved is (in the soul) like blood in the veins.
  • شاه‌زاده پیش شه زانو زده  ** ده معرف شارح حالش شده 
  • The prince knelt before the King, (while) ten announcers gave a description of his state.
  • گرچه شه عارف بد از کل پیش پیش  ** لیک می‌کردی معرف کار خویش 
  • Although the King knew it all long ago, yet the announcer was performing the duties of his office.
  • در درون یک ذره نور عارفی  ** به بود از صد معرف ای صفی 
  • O sincere man, a single atom of the light of (mystic) knowledge within (thee) is better than a hundred announcers.
  • گوش را رهن معرف داشتن  ** آیت محجوبیست و حزر و ظن 
  • To confine one's attention to the announcer is a mark of being debarred (from access to real knowledge) and of (being preoccupied with) conjecture and (mere) opinion.
  • آنک او را چشم دل شد دیدبان  ** دید خواهد چشم او عین العیان  4405
  • He whose scout is his inward eye—his eye will behold with the very acme of clairvoyance.
  • با تواتر نیست قانع جان او  ** بل ز چشم دل رسد ایقان او 
  • His soul is not content with traditional authority; nay, his feeling of (absolute) certainty comes from the inward eye.
  • پس معرف پیش شاه منتجب  ** در بیان حال او بگشود لب 
  • Then the announcer opened his lips to describe his (the eldest brother's) plight in the presence of the elect King.
  • گفت شاها صید احسان توست  ** پادشاهی کن که بی بیرون شوست 
  • He said, “O King, he is fallen a prey to thy beneficence: show kingly favour (to him), for he has no means of escape.
  • دست در فتراک این دولت زدست  ** بر سر سرمست او بر مال دست 
  • He has clutched the saddle-strap of this empire: stroke his distraught head with thy (royal) hand!”
  • گفت شه هر منصبی و ملکتی  ** که التماسش هست یابد این فتی  4410
  • The King replied, “This youth will obtain (from me) every high dignity and sovereignty that he seeks.
  • بیست چندان ملک کو شد زان بری  ** بخشمش اینجا و ما خود بر سری 
  • I will bestow on him here (and now) twenty times as many kingdoms as he has relinquished, and myself into the bargain.”
  • گفت تا شاهیت در وی عشق کاشت  ** جز هوای تو هوایی کی گذاشت 
  • He (the announcer) said, “Since thy royal majesty sowed in him the seed of love, how could it leave (in him) any passion except passion for thee?
  • بندگی تش چنان درخورد شد  ** که شهی اندر دل او سرد شد 
  • ’Tis so agreeable to him to be thy slave that kingship has become cold comfort to his heart.
  • شاهی و شه‌زادگی در باختست  ** از پی تو در غریبی ساختست 
  • He has gambled away kingship and princedom: for thy sake he has put up with living in exile.
  • صوفیست انداخت خرقه وجد در  ** کی رود او بر سر خرقه دگر  4415
  • He is a Súfí: he has flung away his mantle in ecstasy: how should he turn again to his mantle?
  • میل سوی خرقه‌ی داده و ندم  ** آنچنان باشد که من مغبون شدم 
  • To hanker for the given away mantle and repent (of having given it) is as much as to say, ‘I have been swindled:
  • باز ده آن خرقه این سو ای قرین  ** که نمی‌ارزید آن یعنی بدین 
  • Put the mantle back here, O comrade, for that (ecstasy) was not worth it, that is, (not worth) this (mantle).’
  • دور از عاشق که این فکر آیدش  ** ور بیاید خاک بر سر بایدش 
  • Far be it from a lover that such a thought should occur to him; and if it do, dust ought to be (sprinkled) on his head.
  • عشق ارزد صد چو خرقه کالبد  ** که حیاتی دارد و حس و خرد 
  • Love is worth a hundred mantles like that of the body, which contains a (principle of) life and sensation and reason;
  • خاصه خرقه‌ی ملک دنیا کابترست  ** پنج دانگ مستیش درد سرست  4420
  • Especially the mantle of worldly dominion, which is cut short (exiguous): a pennyworth of intoxication with it is (results in) headache.
  • ملک دنیا تن‌پرستان را حلال  ** ما غلام ملک عشق بی‌زوال 
  • Worldly dominion is lawful (only) to those who indulge the body: we (lovers) are devoted to the everlasting kingdom of Love.
  • عامل عشقست معزولش مکن  ** جز به عشق خویش مشغولش مکن 
  • He (the prince) is Love's agent: do not deprive him of his employment, do not let him be employed in aught but loving thee.
  • منصبی کانم ز ریت محجبست  ** عین معزولیست و نامش منصبست 
  • The office (business) that veils me from (the sight of) thy face is the very essence of unemployment, though it is called ‘office.’