پیش از این هر چند جان پر عیب بود ** در رحم بود و ز خلقان غیب بود
Before this (birth), however sinful the spirit was, it was in the womb (of the body) and was hidden from the people.
الشقی من شقی فی بطن الام ** من سمات الجسم یعرف حالهم
The damned are they that are damned in the mother's womb: their state is known from the bodily marks.
تن چو مادر طفل جان را حامله ** مرگ درد زادن است و زلزله
The body, like a mother, is big with the spirit-child: death is the pangs and throes of birth.
جمله جانهای گذشته منتظر ** تا چگونه زاید آن جان بطر3515
All the spirits that have passed over (to the next life) are waiting to see in what state that proud spirit shall be born.
زنگیان گویند خود از ماست او ** رومیان گویند بس زیباست او
The Ethiopians (the damned spirits) say, “It belongs to us”; the Anatolians (the blessed spirits) say, “It is very comely.”
چون بزاید در جهان جان و جود ** پس نماند اختلاف بیض و سود
As soon as it is born into the world of spirit and (Divine) grace, there is no further difference (of opinion) between the whites (the blessed) and the blacks (the damned).
گر بود زنگی برندش زنگیان ** روم را رومی برد هم از میان
If it is an Ethiopian (a damned spirit), the Ethiopians carry it off; and if it is an Anatolian (a blessed spirit), the Anatolians lead it away.
تا نزاد او مشکلات عالم است ** آن که نازاده شناسد او کم است
Until it is born (into the next life), it is a riddle for (all) the world: few are they that know (the destiny of) the unborn.
او مگر ینظر بنور الله بود ** کاندرون پوست او را ره بود3520
Such a one surely is seeing by the light of God, for he has the way (the means of knowing what is hidden) within the skin.
اصل آب نطفه اسپید است و خوش ** لیک عکس جان رومی و حبش
Principium aquae seminis candidum est et pulchrum, but the reflexion of the spirit, (whether the spirit be) Anatolian or Ethiopian, [The original (nature of) seminal fluid is white and fair, but the reflexion of the spirit, (whether the spirit be) Anatolian or Ethiopian,]