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  • گرد از دریا بر آوردم عیان ** تا رهیدیت از شر فرعونیان‏ 2040
  • I raised up dust from the sea before your eyes, so that ye might be delivered from the wickedness of the people of Pharaoh.
  • ز آسمان چل سال کاسه و خوان رسید ** وز دعایم جویی از سنگی دوید
  • During forty years the platter and tray (of food) came (to you) from heaven, and at my prayer the river ran from a rock.
  • این و صد چندین و چندین گرم و سرد ** از تو ای سرد آن توهم کم نکرد
  • These (miracles) and a hundred times as many, and all these diverse (evidences), did not make that vain imagination fade away from thee, O cold (hard-hearted) man!
  • بانگ زد گوساله‏ای از جادویی ** سجده کردی که خدای من تویی‏
  • Through sorcery a calf lowed; (then) thou didst fall to worship, saying, ‘Thou art my God.’
  • آن توهمهات را سیلاب برد ** زیرکی باردت را خواب برد
  • (Then) those imaginations were swept away (as) by a flood, and thy silly shrewdness went to sleep.
  • چون نبودی بد گمان در حق او ** چون نهادی سر چنان ای زشت رو 2045
  • How wert not thou suspicious in regard to him (Sámirí)? Why didst thou lay thy head (on the ground) like that, O ugly one?
  • چون خیالت نامد از تزویر او ** وز فساد سحر احمق‏گیر او
  • How did no idea come to thee of his imposition and of the corruptness of his fool catching magic?
  • سامریی خود که باشد ای سگان ** که خدایی بر تراشد در جهان‏
  • Who, indeed, is a Sámirí, O ye curs, that he should hew up a God in the world?
  • چون در این تزویر او یکدل شدی ** وز همه اشکالها عاطل شدی‏
  • How didst thou become of one mind (with him) as to this imposture of his, and become devoid of all perplexities?
  • گاو می‏شاید خدایی را به لاف ** در رسولی‏ام تو چون کردی خلاف‏
  • Is a cow (calf) worthy to be deified on (the strength of) a vain boast, (while there are) a hundred disputes as to the prophetic mission of one like me?