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  • این همی‌گفتی چو می‌رفتی براه ** کن قرین خاصگانم ای اله
  • Whilst he was going along the road, he would be saying, “O God, make me a companion of the elect.
  • یا رب آنها راکه بشناسد دلم ** بنده و بسته‌میان ومجملم
  • O Lord, to those (saints) whom my heart knows I am a slave and one who has girt his loins and is ready to do (them) good service;
  • و آنک نشناسم تو ای یزدان جان ** بر من محجوبشان کن مهربان
  • And (as for) those whom I know not, do Thou, O God of the soul, make them kindly disposed to me who am debarred (from knowing them).”
  • حضرتش گفتی که ای صدر مهین ** این چه عشقست و چه استسقاست این 1950
  • The Lord would say to him, “O most noble prince, what passion is this and what unquenchable thirst is this?
  • مهر من داری چه می‌جویی دگر ** چون خدا با تست چون جویی بشر
  • Thou hast My love: why art thou seeking other (than Mine)? When God is with thee, how dost thou seek man?”
  • او بگفتی یا رب ای دانای راز ** تو گشودی در دلم راه نیاز
  • He would answer, “O Lord, O Knower of the secret, Thou hast opened in my heart the way of supplication.
  • درمیان بحر اگر بنشسته‌ام ** طمع در آب سبو هم بسته‌ام
  • If I am seated in the midst of the Sea, yet have I set my desire on the water in the jug.
  • همچو داودم نود نعجه مراست ** طمع در نعجه‌ی حریفم هم بخاست
  • I am like David: I have ninety ewes, and yet desire for my rival's ewe hath arisen in me.
  • حرص اندر عشق تو فخرست و جاه ** حرص اندر غیر تو ننگ و تباه 1955
  • Greed for Thy love is glorious and grand; greed for (the love of) any besides Thee is shameful and corrupt.”
  • شهوت و حرص نران بیشی بود ** و آن حیزان ننگ و بدکیشی بود
  • The lust and greed of the manly is advancement (in the spiritual Way), while that of the effeminate is disgrace and irreligion.