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  • کار بی‌استاد خواهی ساختن  ** جاهلانه جان بخواهی باختن 
  • Thou wilt set to work without the expert and wilt foolishly hazard thy life.
  • ای ز من دزدیده علمی ناتمام  ** ننگ آمد که بپرسی حال دام  1405
  • O thou who hast stolen from me an imperfect knowledge, thou wert ashamed to ask about the trap.”
  • هم بچیدی دانه مرغ از خرمنش  ** هم نیفتادی رسن در گردنش 
  • (If) the bird had picked the grain from its stack, the (trap-) cord would not have fallen on its neck (and made it captive).
  • دانه کمتر خور مکن چندین رفو  ** چون کلوا خواندی بخوان لا تسرفوا 
  • Eat less of the grain, do not patch (the body) so much (with food): after having recited eat ye, recite (also) do not exceed,
  • تا خوری دانه نیفتی تو به دام  ** این کند علم و قناعت والسلام 
  • So that you may eat the grain and (yet) not fall into the trap. Knowledge and contentment effect this. And (now) farewell.
  • نعمت از دنیا خورد عاقل نه غم  ** جاهلان محروم مانده در ندم 
  • The wise man gets happiness from the present life, not sorrow, (while) the ignorant are left in disappointment and regret.
  • چون در افتد در گلوشان حبل دام  ** دانه خوردن گشت بر جمله حرام  1410
  • When the trap-cord (of sensuality) falls on their throats, it becomes unlawful (forbidden) to them all to eat the grain.
  • مرغ اندر دام دانه کی خورد  ** دانه چون زهرست در دام ار چرد 
  • How should the bird in the trap eat (enjoy) the grain? The grain in the trap is like poison (to him), if he feed (on it).
  • مرغ غافل می‌خورد دانه ز دام  ** هم‌چو اندر دام دنیا این عوام 
  • (Only) the heedless bird will eat grain from the trap, as these common folk do in the trap of the present world.
  • باز مرغان خبیر هوشمند  ** کرده‌اند از دانه خود را خشک‌بند 
  • Again, the knowing and prudent birds have debarred themselves from the grain;