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  • بشنو اکنون صورت افسانه را ** لیک هین از که جدا کن دانه را
  • Now listen to the outward form of the tale, but take heed to separate the grain from the chaff.
  • .
  • .
  • حلقه‌ای آن صوفیان مستفید ** چون که در وجد و طرب آخر رسید
  • When at last (the meditation of) that circle of Súfís who were seeking (spiritual) profit came to an end (culminated) in ecstasy and enthusiasm,
  • خوان بیاوردند بهر میهمان ** از بهیمه یاد آورد آن زمان‏
  • They brought dishes of food for the guest, and he then bethought him of his beast.
  • گفت خادم را که در آخر برو ** راست کن بهر بهیمه کاه و جو 205
  • He said to the famulus (the servant of the Súfís), “Go into the stable and make the straw and barley all right for the animal.”
  • گفت لا حول این چه افزون گفتن است ** از قدیم این کارها کار من است‏
  • “Good gracious!” he replied, “why this saying overmuch? These things have been my care since long ago.”
  • گفت تر کن آن جوش را از نخست ** کان خر پیر است و دندانهاش سست‏
  • The Súfí said, “First wet his barley, for ’tis an old ass, and his teeth are shaky.”
  • گفت لاحول این چه می‏گویی مها ** از من آموزند این ترتیبها
  • “Good gracious!” said he, “why are you telling (me) this, Sir? They are taught by me (to make) these arrangements.”
  • گفت پالانش فرو نه پیش پیش ** داروی منبل بنه بر پشت ریش‏
  • The Súfí said, “First of all take off his saddle and (then) put the salve of manbal on his sore back.”
  • گفت لاحول آخر ای حکمت گزار ** جنس تو مهمانم آمد صد هزار 210
  • “Good gracious!” exclaimed the servant. “Why, O purveyor of wisdom, I have had a thousand guests of your sort,
  • جمله راضی رفته‏اند از پیش ما ** هست مهمان جان ما و خویش ما
  • And all have departed from us well-pleased: the guest is (dear to us as) our life and our kinsman.”
  • گفت آبش ده و لیکن شیر گرم ** گفت لاحول از توام بگرفت شرم‏
  • The Súfí said, “Give him water, but (let it be) lukewarm.” “Good gracious!” cried the other, “I am ashamed of you.”
  • گفت اندر جو تو کمتر کاه کن ** گفت لاحول این سخن کوتاه کن‏
  • The Súfí said, “Put (only) a little straw in his barley.” “Good gracious! Cut short this speech,” he replied.
  • گفت جایش را بروب از سنگ و پشک ** ور بود تر ریز بر وی خاک خشک‏
  • The Súfí said, “Sweep his place (clear) of stones and dung, and if it is wet, sprinkle dry earth on it.”
  • گفت لاحول ای پدر لاحول کن ** با رسول اهل کمتر گو سخن‏ 215
  • “Good gracious!” cried he, “implore God's grace, O father and say little (give few instructions) to a messenger who knows his business.”
  • گفت بستان شانه پشت خر بخار ** گفت لاحول ای پدر شرمی بدار
  • The Súfí said, “Take the comb and curry the ass's back.” “Good gracious! do have some shame, O father,” said he.
  • خادم این گفت و میان را بست چست ** گفت رفتم کاه و جو آرم نخست‏
  • The servant said this and briskly girded up his loins. “I go,” said he; “first I will fetch the straw and barley.”
  • رفت و از آخر نکرد او هیچ یاد ** خواب خرگوشی بدان صوفی بداد
  • Off he went and never thought of the stable at all: he gave that Súfí (a pretence like) the sleep of the hare.
  • رفت خادم جانب اوباش چند ** کرد بر اندرز صوفی ریش‏خند
  • The servant went off to (join) some rascals and made a mockery of the Súfí's admonition.
  • صوفی از ره مانده بود و شد دراز ** خوابها می‏دید با چشم فراز 220
  • The Súfí was fatigued by his journey and stretched his limbs (lay down to sleep): with his eyes closed he was dreaming
  • کان خرش در چنگ گرگی مانده بود ** پاره‏ها از پشت و رانش می‏ربود
  • That his ass was left (helpless) in the clutch of a wolf, (which) was tearing pieces (of flesh) from its back and thighs.
  • گفت لاحول این چه مالیخولیاست ** ای عجب آن خادم مشفق کجاست‏
  • “Good gracious!” he exclaimed, “what melancholy (madness) is this? Oh, where is that kindly servant?”
  • باز می‏دید آن خرش در راه رو ** گه به چاهی می‏فتاد و گه به گو
  • Again he would see his ass going along the road and falling now into a well and now into a ditch.
  • گونه‏گون می‏دید ناخوش واقعه ** فاتحه می‏خواند او و القارعه‏
  • He was dreaming various unpleasant dreams; he was reciting the Fátiha and the Qári‘a.
  • گفت چاره چیست یاران جسته‏اند ** رفته‏اند و جمله درها بسته‏اند 225
  • He said (to himself), “What can be done to help? My friends have hurried out: they have departed and made all the doors fast.”
  • باز می‏گفت ای عجب آن خادمک ** نه که با ما گشت هم نان و نمک‏
  • Again he would say, “Oh, I wonder—that wretched servant! Did not he partake of bread and salt with us?