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  • But if a harmless relative should come in, those covered ones will lift up their face-veils.
  • ور در آید محرمی دور از گزند ** بر گشایند آن ستیران روی‌‌بند
  • Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made (so) for the eye of him that sees.
  • هر چه را خوب و خوش و زیبا کنند ** از برای دیده‌‌ی بینا کنند
  • How should the sound of the harp and treble and bass be (made) for the insentient ear of one who is deaf?
  • کی بود آواز چنگ و زیر و بم ** از برای گوش بی‌‌حس اصم‌‌
  • Not in vain did God make musk fragrant: He made it (so) for the sense (of smell), He did not make it for one whose nostrils are stopped (by disease). 2385
  • مشک را بی‌‌هوده حق خوش دم نکرد ** بهر حس کرد او پی اخشم نکرد
  • God hath fashioned the earth and the sky, He hath raised in the midst much fire and light.
  • حق زمین و آسمان بر ساخته ست ** در میان بس نار و نور افراخته ست‌‌
  • (He made) this earth for those (created) of clay, (He made) heaven to be the abode of the celestials.
  • این زمین را از برای خاکیان ** آسمان را مسکن افلاکیان‌‌
  • The low (base) man is the enemy of what is high: the purchaser (seeker) of each place (Heaven or Hell) is manifest (made known by his actions).
  • مرد سفلی دشمن بالا بود ** مشتری هر مکان پیدا بود
  • O chaste woman, hast thou ever risen up and decked thyself for the sake of him that is blind?
  • ای ستیره هیچ تو برخاستی ** خویشتن را بهر کور آراستی‌‌
  • If I should fill the world with hidden pearls (of wisdom), how should I fare (what good would it do me), since they are not thy portion (since thou art unfit to receive them)? 2390
  • گر جهان را پر در مکنون کنم ** روزی تو چون نباشد چون کنم‌‌
  • O wife, take leave of quarrelling and waylaying, and if thou wilt not, (then) take leave of me!
  • ترک جنگ و ره زنی ای زن بگو ** ور نمی‌‌گویی به ترک من بگو