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  • Hear (learn) from the Qur’án the perdition of the wayfarers, what the evil-souled Iblís did unto them:
  • از نبی بشنو ضلال رهروان ** که چشان کرد آن بلیس بد روان‌‌
  • He carried them far—a journey of hundreds of thousands of years—from the Highway, and made them backsliders and naked (devoid of good works).
  • صد هزاران ساله راه از جاده دور ** بردشان و کردشان ادبار و عور
  • Behold their bones and their hair! Take warning, and drive not your ass towards them! 2950
  • استخوانهاشان ببین و مویشان ** عبرتی گیر و مران خر سویشان‌‌
  • Seize the neck of your ass (the flesh) and lead him towards the Way, towards the good keepers and knowers of the Way.
  • گردن خر گیر و سوی راه کش ** سوی ره‌‌بانان و ره دانان خوش‌‌
  • Beware! do not let your ass go, and do not remove your hand from him, because his love is for the place where green herbs are plentiful.
  • هین مهل خر را و دست از وی مدار ** ز آن که عشق اوست سوی سبزه‌‌زار
  • If you carelessly leave him free for one moment, he will go (many) leagues in the direction of the herbage.
  • گر یکی دم تو به غفلت واهلیش ** او رود فرسنگ‌‌ها سوی حشیش‌‌
  • The ass is an enemy to the Way, (he is) madly in love with fodder: oh, many is the attendant on him that he has brought to ruin!
  • دشمن راه است خر مست علف ** ای که بس خر بنده را کرد او تلف‌‌
  • If you know not the Way, whatsoever the ass desires, do the contrary thereof: that, surely, will be the right Way. 2955
  • گر ندانی ره هر آن چه خر بخواست ** عکس آن کن خود بود آن راه راست‌‌
  • (The Prophet said), “Consult them (women), and then oppose (them in what they advise): he that disobeys them not will be ruined.”
  • شاوروهن پس آن گه خالفوا ** إن من لم یعصهن تالف‌‌
  • Be not a friend to (sensual) passion and desire, since it leads you astray from the Way of God.
  • با هوا و آرزو کم باش دوست ** چون یضلک عن سبیل الله اوست‌‌