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  • His shadow on the earth is like Mount Qáf, his spirit is (like) the Símurgh that circles (soars) exceedingly high.
  • ظل او اندر زمین چون کوه قاف ** روح او سیمرغ بس عالی طواف‌‌
  • If I should tell of his qualities until the Resurrection, do not seek (expect) any conclusion and end to them.
  • گر بگویم تا قیامت نعت او ** هیچ آن را مقطع و غایت مجو
  • The (Divine) Sun has veiled Himself in Man: apprehend (this mystery), and God knows best what is right.
  • در بشر رو پوش کرده ست آفتاب ** فهم کن و الله اعلم بالصواب‌‌
  • O ‘Alí, above all devotional acts in the Way (of God) do thou choose the shadow (protection) of the chosen favourite of God. 2965
  • یا علی از جمله‌‌ی طاعات راه ** بر گزین تو سایه‌‌ی خاص اله‌‌
  • Every one took refuge in some act of devotion and discovered for themselves some means of deliverance.
  • هر کسی در طاعتی بگریختند ** خویشتن را مخلصی انگیختند
  • Go thou, take refuge in the shadow of the Sage, that thou mayst escape from the Enemy that opposes (thee) in secret.
  • تو برو در سایه‌ی عاقل گریز ** تا رهی ز آن دشمن پنهٱن ستیز
  • Of all acts of devotion this is the best for thee: (thereby) thou wilt gain precedence over every one that has outstripped (the rest).”
  • از همه طاعات اینت بهتر است ** سبق یابی بر هر آن سابق که هست‌‌
  • When the Pír has accepted thee, take heed, surrender thyself (to him): go, like Moses, under the authority of Khizr.
  • چون گرفتت پیر هین تسلیم شو ** همچو موسی زیر حکم خضر رو
  • Bear patiently whatever is done by a Khizr who is without hypocrisy, in order that Khizr may not say, “Begone, this is (our) parting.” 2970
  • صبر کن بر کار خضری بی‌‌نفاق ** تا نگوید خضر رو هذا فراق‌‌
  • Though he stave in the boat, do not speak a word; though he kill a child, do not tear thy hair.
  • گر چه کشتی بشکند تو دم مزن ** گر چه طفلی را کشد تو مو مکن‌‌