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  • For what purpose is the tale of ‘Ád and Thamúd? That you may know that the prophets have disdain (for the wicked).
  • قصه‌‌ی عاد و ثمود از بهر چیست ** تا بدانی کانبیا را نازکی است‌‌
  • These signs—the (earth's) swallowing up (sinners), the hurling of stones (upon them), and the thunderbolts—were evidence of the might of the Rational Soul.
  • این نشان خسف و قذف و صاعقه ** شد بیان عز نفس ناطقه‌‌
  • Kill all animals for the sake of man, kill all mankind for the sake of Reason.
  • جمله حیوان را پی انسان بکش ** جمله انسان را بکش از بهر هش‌‌
  • What is Reason? The Universal Intelligence of the man (prophet or saint) endowed with reason. Partial reason is reason (too), but it is infirm. 3310
  • هش چه باشد عقل کل هوشمند ** هوش جزوی هش بود اما نژند
  • All the animals that are wild (unfriendly) to man are inferior to the human animal.
  • جمله حیوانات وحشی ز آدمی ** باشد از حیوان انسی در کمی‌‌
  • Their blood is free to mankind, since they are estranged from the august Reason.
  • خون آنها خلق را باشد سبیل ** ز انکه وحشی‌‌اند از عقل جلیل‌‌
  • The honour of the wild animals is fallen low (has come to be of no account) because they have grown hostile to man.
  • عزت وحشی بدین افتاد پست ** که مر انسان را مخالف آمده ست‌‌
  • What honour, then, will be thine, O marvel (of folly), since thou hast become (like) timorous wild asses?
  • پس چه عزت باشدت ای نادره ** چون شدی تو حمر مستنفرة
  • Because of his usefulness, the (domesticated) ass ought not to be killed; (but) when he turns wild, his blood becomes lawful. 3315
  • خر نشاید کشت از بهر صلاح ** چون شود وحشی شود خونش مباح‌‌
  • Although the ass had no knowledge to restrain him (from becoming wild), the Loving One is not excusing him at all.
  • گر چه خر را دانش زاجر نبود ** هیچ معذورش نمی‌‌دارد ودود