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  • To proceed, this fire is the fire of lust, wherein is the root of sin and error.
  • بعد از آن این نار نار شهوت است ** کاندر او اصل گناه و زلت است‌‌
  • The external fire may be quenched by some water, (but) the fire of lust is bringing (you) to Hell.
  • نار بیرونی به آبی بفسرد ** نار شهوت تا به دوزخ می‌‌برد
  • The fire of lust is not allayed by water, because it has the (insatiable) nature of Hell in respect of (inflicting) torment.
  • نار شهوت می‌‌نیارامد به آب ** ز انکه دارد طبع دوزخ در عذاب‌‌
  • What is the remedy for the fire of lust? The light of the Religion: your (the Moslems') light is the (means of) extinguishing the fire of the infidels. 3700
  • نار شهوت را چه چاره نور دین ** نورکم اطفاء نار الکافرین‌‌
  • What kills this fire? The Light of God. Make the light of Abraham your teacher,
  • چه کشد این نار را نور خدا ** نور ابراهیم را ساز اوستا
  • That this body of yours, which resembles wood (faggots), may be delivered from the fire of the Nimrod-like flesh (nafs).
  • تا ز نار نفس چون نمرود تو ** وارهد این جسم همچون عود تو
  • Fiery lust is not diminished by indulging it: it is diminished, without any escape (inevitably), by leaving it (ungratified).
  • شهوت ناری به راندن کم نشد ** او به ماندن کم شود بی‌‌هیچ بد
  • So long as thou art laying faggots on a fire, how will the fire be extinguished by a carrier of faggots?
  • تا که هیزم می‌‌نهی بر آتشی ** کی بمیرد آتش از هیزم کشی‌‌
  • When thou withholdest the faggots, the fire dies out, because fear of God carries (as it were) water to the fire. 3705
  • چون که هیزم باز گیری نار مرد ** ز انکه تقوی آب سوی نار برد
  • How should the fire blacken the beauteous face (of a soul) which lays (on itself) rose colour (derived) from the fear of God that is in (men's) hearts?
  • کی سیه گردد ز آتش روی خوب ** کاو نهد گلگونه از تقوی القلوب‌‌
  • How a conflagration occurred in the city (Medina) in the days of ‘Umar, may God be well-pleased with him.
  • آتش افتادن در شهر به ایام عمر