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  • (How absurd) to be a necessitarian and sleep amidst highwaymen! How should the untimely bird receive quarter?
  • جبر و خفتن در میان ره زنان ** مرغ بی‌‌هنگام کی یابد امان‌‌
  • And if you turn up your nose at His signs, you deem (yourself) a man, but when you consider (more deeply), you are (only) a woman.
  • ور اشارتهاش را بینی زنی ** مرد پنداری و چون بینی زنی‌‌
  • This measure of understanding which you possess is lost: a head from which the understanding flies away, 945
  • این قدر عقلی که داری گم شود ** سر که عقل از وی بپرد دم شود
  • Because ingratitude is wickedness and disgrace and brings the ingrate to the bottom of Hell-fire.
  • ز آن که بی‌‌شکری بود شوم و شنار ** می‌‌برد بی‌‌شکر را در قعر نار
  • If you are putting trust in God, put trust (in Him) as regards (your) work: sow (the seed), then rely upon the Almighty.”
  • گر توکل می‌‌کنی در کار کن ** کشت کن پس تکیه بر جبار کن‌‌
  • How the beasts once more asserted the superiority of trust in God to exertion.
  • باز ترجیح نهادن نخجیران توکل را بر جهد
  • They all lifted up their voices (to dispute) with him, saying, “Those covetous ones who sowed (the seed of) means,
  • جمله با وی بانگها برداشتند ** کان حریصان که سببها کاشتند
  • Myriads on myriads of men and women—why, then, did they remain deprived of fortune?
  • صد هزار اندر هزار از مرد و زن ** پس چرا محروم ماندند از زمن‌‌
  • From the beginning of the world myriads of generations have opened a hundred mouths, like dragons: 950
  • صد هزاران قرن ز آغاز جهان ** همچو اژدرها گشاده صد دهان‌‌
  • Those clever people devised plots (of such power) that the mountain thereby was torn up from its foundation.
  • مکرها کردند آن دانا گروه ** که ز بن بر کنده شد ز آن مکر کوه‌‌
  • The Glorious (God) described their plots (when He said): (though their guile be such) that the tops of the mountains might be moved thereby.
  • کرد وصف مکرهاشان ذو الجلال ** لتزول منه اقلال الجبال‌‌