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  • The angels were fleeing from him as from a devil: how many tears did he shed for the sake of a single loaf!
  • همچو دیو از وی فرشته می‏گریخت ** بهر نانی چند آب چشم ریخت‏
  • Although the sin which he had compassed was (but) a hair, yet that hair had grown in his eyes.
  • گر چه یک مو بد گنه کاو جسته بود ** لیک آن مو در دو دیده رسته بود
  • Adam was the eye of the Eternal Light: a hair in the eye is a great mountain.
  • بود آدم دیده‏ی نور قدیم ** موی در دیده بود کوه عظیم‏
  • If Adam had taken counsel in that (matter), he would not have uttered excuses in penitence,
  • گر در آن آدم بکردی مشورت ** در پشیمانی نگفتی معذرت‏
  • Because when one intellect is joined with another intellect, it prevents evil action and evil speech; 20
  • ز آن که با عقلی چو عقلی جفت شد ** مانع بد فعلی و بد گفت شد
  • (But) when the fleshly soul is associated with another fleshly soul, the partial (individual) intellect becomes idle and useless.
  • نفس با نفس دگر چون یار شد ** عقل جزوی عاطل و بی‏کار شد
  • When because of loneliness you fall into despair, you become (bright as) a sun (if you go) under the shadow (protection) of the friend.
  • چون ز تنهایی تو نومیدی شوی ** زیر سایه‏ی یار خورشیدی شوی‏
  • Go, seek at once the friend of God: when you have done so, God is your friend.
  • رو بجو یار خدایی را تو زود ** چون چنان کردی خدا یار تو بود
  • He who has fixed his gaze upon seclusion (and made it his object), after all ’tis from the friend (of God) that he has learned that (lesson).
  • آن که در خلوت نظر بر دوخته ست ** آخر آن را هم ز یار آموخته ست‏
  • One must seclude one's self from strangers, (but) not from the friend: the fur-coat is for winter, not for spring. 25
  • خلوت از اغیار باید نه ز یار ** پوستین بهر دی آمد نه بهار