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  • For Wisdom is like a stray camel: like a go-between, it guides (those who find and recognise it) to (the presence of) kings.
  • ز انکه حکمت همچو ناقه‏ی ضاله است ** همچو دلاله شهان را داله است‏
  • You behold in dream a person of pleasing countenance, who gives you a promise and a sign 1670
  • تو ببینی خواب در یک خوش لقا ** کاو دهد وعده و نشانی مر ترا
  • That your desire will come to pass; here is the sign—such and such a person will meet you to-morrow.
  • که مراد تو شود اینک نشان ** که بپیش آید ترا فردا فلان‏
  • One sign is that he will be riding; one sign is that he will clasp you to his breast;
  • یک نشانی آن که او باشد سوار ** یک نشانی که ترا گیرد کنار
  • One sign is that he will smile before you; one sign is that he will fold his hands in your presence;
  • یک نشانی که بخندد پیش تو ** یک نشان که دست بندد پیش تو
  • One sign is that when the morrow comes you will not tell this dream to any one, though you would fain do so.
  • یک نشانی آن که این خواب از هوس ** چون شود فردا نگویی پیش کس‏
  • Concerning that (last-mentioned) sign, He (God) said to Zakariyyá (Zacharias), “Thou shalt not begin to speak at all till three days (have passed). 1675
  • ز ان نشان با والد یحیی بگفت ** که نیایی تا سه روز اصلا به گفت‏
  • For three nights keep silence as to thy good and ill: this will be the sign that Yahyá will come (be born) to thee.
  • تا سه شب خامش کن از نیک و بدت ** این نشان باشد که یحیی آیدت‏
  • During three days do not breathe a word, for this silence is the sign of (the fulfilment) of thy purpose.
  • دم مزن سه روز اندر گفت‏وگو ** کاین سکوت است آیت مقصود تو
  • Beware! do not thou speak of this sign, and keep this matter hidden in thy heart.”
  • هین میاور این نشان را تو به گفت ** وین سخن را دار اندر دل نهفت‏