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  • Then the angel will say, “The garden of greenery which ye saw in a certain spot as ye passed––
  • پس ملک گوید که آن روضه‏ی خضر ** که فلان جا دیده‏اید اندر گذر
  • That was Hell and the terrible place of chastisement, (but) unto you it became gardens and pleasaunces and trees.
  • دوزخ آن بود و سیاستگاه سخت ** بر شما شد باغ و بستان و درخت‏
  • Inasmuch as with this soul of hellish nature, (this) miscreant fiery one that seeks (to lead you into) temptation,
  • چون شما این نفس دوزخ خوی را ** آتشی گبر فتنه جوی را
  • Ye have striven (oft), and it hath become full of purity, and ye have quenched the fire (thereof) for God’s sake; 2560
  • جهدها کردید و او شد پر صفا ** نار را کشتید از بهر خدا
  • (Inasmuch as) the fire of lust, which was flaming, hath become the verdure of piety and the light of guidance (unto the true faith);
  • آتش شهوت که شعله می‏زدی ** سبزه‏ی تقوی شد و نور هدی‏
  • (Inasmuch as) at once the fire of anger in you hath turned to forbearance, and the darkness of ignorance in you hath turned to knowledge;
  • آتش خشم از شما هم حلم شد ** ظلمت جهل از شما هم علم شد
  • (Inasmuch as) the fire of greed in you hath turned to unselfishness, and that envy (which) was like thorns hath turned to roses;
  • آتش حرص از شما ایثار شد ** و آن حسد چون خار بد گلزار شد
  • Inasmuch as ye formerly extinguished all these fires of your own for God’s sake;
  • چون شما این جمله آتشهای خویش ** بهر حق کشتید جمله پیش پیش‏
  • And made the fiery soul like an orchard and cast in it the seed of fealty, 2565
  • نفس ناری را چو باغی ساختید ** اندر او تخم وفا انداختید
  • (Whilst) therein the nightingales of commemoration and glorification of God (were) singing sweetly in the garden by the river-side;
  • بلبلان ذکر و تسبیح اندر او ** خوش سرایان در چمن بر طرف جو