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  • I awakened you in fear lest such a sigh might burn the veil (of formality),
  • من ترا بیدار کردم از نهیب ** تا بسوزاند چنان آهی حجاب‏
  • In order that such a sigh should not be yours; in order that you should not have any way to it.
  • تا چنان آهی نباشد مر ترا ** تا بدان راهی نباشد مر ترا
  • I am envious: from envy I acted thus. I am the enemy: my (proper) work is deceit and malice.” 2785
  • من حسودم از حسد کردم چنین ** من عدویم کار من مکر است و کین‏
  • He (Mu‘áwiya) said, “Now you have told the truth, you are veracious. This (deceit) comes (naturally) from you: to this you are adapted.
  • گفت اکنون راست گفتی صادقی ** از تو این آید تو این را لایقی‏
  • You are a spider, you have flies as your prey; O cur, I am not a fly, (so) do not worry.
  • عنکبوتی تو مگس داری شکار ** من نیم ای سگ مگس زحمت میار
  • I am a white falcon: the King hunts me. How should a spider weave his web about me?
  • باز اسپیدم شکارم شه کند ** عنکبوتی کی بگرد ما تند
  • Go now, continue to catch flies as far as you can: invite the flies to (partake of) some buttermilk;
  • رو مگس می‏گیر تا تانی هلا ** سوی دوغی زن مگسها را صلا
  • And if you call (them) to honey, that too will certainly be lies and buttermilk (fraud). 2790
  • ور بخوانی تو به سوی انگبین ** هم دروغ و دوغ باشد آن یقین‏
  • You awakened me, (but) it (that awakenment) was (really) slumber: you showed (me) a ship, (but) that was (really) a whirlpool.
  • تو مرا بیدار کردی خواب بود ** تو نمودی کشتی آن گرداب بود
  • You were calling me to good for the purpose that you might drive me away from the better good.”
  • تو مرا در خیر ز آن می‏خواندی ** تا مرا از خیر بهتر راندی‏
  • How a thief escaped because some one gave the alarm to the master of the house, who had nearly overtaken and caught the thief.
  • فوت شدن دزد به آواز دادن آن شخص صاحب خانه را که نزدیک آمده بود که دزد را دریابد و بگیرد