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  • Nihil est religio et precatio ejus nisi penis: his thought has borne him down to the lowest depth. [His religion and his prayer (is) nothing but the penis: his thought has borne him down to the lowest depth. ]
  • جز ذکر نه دین او و ذکر او ** سوی اسفل برد او را فکر او
  • Though he rise to the sky, be not afraid of him, for (it is only) in love of lowness (degradation) he has studied (and gained eminence).
  • گر بر آید بر فلک از وی مترس ** کاو بعشق سفل آموزید درس‏
  • He gallops his horse towards lowness, albeit he rings the bell (proclaims that he is going) aloft.
  • او بسوی سفل می‏راند فرس ** گر چه سوی علو جنباند جرس‏
  • What is there to fear from the flags of beggars?—for those flags are (but) a means for (getting) a mouthful of bread.
  • از علمهای گدایان ترس چیست ** کان علمها لقمه‏ی نان را رهی است‏
  • Timet puer quidam hominem corpulentum. “Ne timueris,” inquit, “O puer; ego enim vir non sum.” [About a boy’s fear of the corpulent man and how that person said, “Don’t be afraid, O boy, since I am not manly.”]
  • ترسیدن کودک از آن شخص صاحب جثه و گفتن آن شخص که ای کودک مترس که من نامردم‏
  • Juvenis robustus puerum deprehendit solum. Palluit timore puer ne forte homo impetum faceret. [A stout youth found a boy alone. The boy turned pale from fear of the man’s intention (to attack).] 3155
  • کنگ زفتی کودکی را یافت فرد ** زرد شد کودک ز بیم قصد مرد
  • “Securus esto,” inquit, “mi pulcher; tu enim super me eris.” [He (the man) said, “Be secure, O my lovely one, since you will be on top of me. ]
  • گفت ایمن باش ای زیبای من ** که تو خواهی بود بر بالای من‏
  • Etiamsi terribilis (aspectu) sum, scito me impotentem esse ad coitum: me sicut camelum conscende, propelle.” [“Although I am dreadful (in appearance), know me (to be an impotent) catamite. Mount me like a camel (and) thrust.”]
  • من اگر هولم مخنث دان مرا ** همچو اشتر بر نشین می‏ران مرا
  • (With) the appearance of men and the reality like this— Adam without, the accursed Devil within—
  • صورت مردان و معنی این چنین ** از برون آدم درون دیو لعین‏
  • O you that are big as the people of ‘Ád, you resemble the drum against which a branch was beaten by the wind.
  • آن دهل را مانی ای زفت چو عاد ** که بر او آن شاخ را می‏کوفت باد
  • A fox abandoned his prey for the sake of a drum like a wind-filled leathern bag, 3160
  • روبهی اشکار خود را باد داد ** بهر طبلی همچو خیک پر ز باد