The tears were flowing from his eyes, and that invocation was going up to Heaven from him (while he was) beside himself (unconscious).
اشک میرفت از دو چشمش و آن دعا ** بی خود از وی می بر آمد بر سما
That unconscious invocation is, in truth, different: that invocation is not from him (the speaker), it is spoken by the (Divine) Judge.
آن دعای بی خودان خود دیگرست ** آن دعا زو نیست گفت داورست
God is making that invocation, since he (the speaker) is naughted (faná): the invocation and the answer (to it) are (both) from God.2220
آن دعا حق میکند چون او فناست ** آن دعا و آن اجابت از خداست
There is not present (at that time) the medium, namely, the created person: body and spirit (alike) are unaware of making that supplication.
واسطهی مخلوق نه اندر میان ** بیخبر زان لابه کردن جسم و جان
The (chosen) servants of God are merciful and long-suffering: they possess the disposition of God in regard to putting things right.
بندگان حق رحیم و بردبار ** خوی حق دارند در اصلاح کار
They are kind and bribeless ones, helpers in the hard plight and the heavy (grievous) day.
مهربان بیرشوتان یاریگران ** در مقام سخت و در روز گران
Hark, seek this (saintly) company, O afflicted one! Hark, hold them (as) a prize before the (coming of) affliction.
هین بجو این قوم را ای مبتلا ** هین غنیمت دارشان پیش از بلا
Through the breath (prayer) of that (spiritual) hero the ship was saved, while the people in the ship thought (they were saved) by their own efforts,2225
رست کشتی از دم آن پهلوان ** واهل کشتی را بجهد خود گمان
(Supposing) that maybe in (the hour of) dread their arm had skilfully shot an arrow at the target.
که مگر بازوی ایشان در حذر ** بر هدف انداخت تیری از هنر
Foxes, in the chase, are saved by their legs, but the foxes inconsiderately deem that (safety to proceed) from their tails.
پا رهاند روبهان را در شکار ** و آن زدم دانند روباهان غرار