Thou hast become acquainted with the fortunate and inauspicious stars; thou dost not look to see whether thou art fortunate or unwashed (spiritually foul and ill-favoured).
سعدها و نحسها دانستهای ** ننگری سعدی تو یا ناشستهای
This, this, is the soul of all the sciences—that thou shouldst know who thou shalt be on the Day of Judgement.
جان جمله علمها اینست این ** که بدانی من کیم در یوم دین
Thou art acquainted with the fundamentals (usúl) of the (Mohammedan) Religion, but look upon thine own fundamental (asl) and see whether it is good.2655
آن اصول دین بدانستی ولیک ** بنگر اندر اصل خود گر هست نیک
Thine own fundamentals are better for thee than the two fundamentals (of the Mohammedan Religion), so that thou mayst know thine own fundamental (essential nature), O great man.
از اصولینت اصول خویش به ** که بدانی اصل خود ای مرد مه
Description of the luxuriance of the city of the Sabaeans and their ingratitude.
صفت خرمی شهر اهل سبا و ناشکری ایشان
Their fundamental (nature) was bad: those inhabitants of Sabá were recoiling from the means (which lead) to meeting (with God);
اصلشان بد بود آن اهل سبا ** میرمیدندی ز اسباب لقا
(Yet) He gave them so many estates and orchards and meadowlands, on the left hand and the right, for (their) leisure (pastime and diversion).
دادشان چندان ضیاع و باغ و راغ ** از چپ و از راست از بهر فراغ
Inasmuch as the fruit was falling (to the ground) from abundance, there was no room for any one to pass on the road,
بس که میافتاد از پری ثمار ** تنگ میشد معبر ره بر گذار
(For) the scattered largesse of fruit would block the way: the wayfarer (would be) in amazement at the plenty of the fruit.2660
آن نثار میوه ره را میگرفت ** از پری میوه رهرو در شگفت
In their groves, through the dropping of the fruit, a basket on the head would be filled involuntarily.
سله بر سر در درختستانشان ** پر شدی ناخواست از میوهفشان
The breeze would scatter the fruit, not (the hand of) any one: by that fruit a multitude of skirts would be filled.
باد آن میوه فشاندی نه کسی ** پر شدی زان میوه دامنها بسی